Friday, April 19, 2024

Not Strawmanning Opponents

You MUST steel man your opponents!
The Crusader Pub | 19 April 2024

0:46 I suppose you are speaking of what should happen when your opponent's argument is presented by yourself, right?

1:46 I recall Prophet of Zod.

His point in one video was, "back when I was Evangelical, I was delusional, because I had the hubris to believe I was specially important to God, now I know this is a delusion and therefore I don't have hubris anymore ..."

Is there anything to steelman about that?

What's even the importance of modesty if you are an atheist? Social stigma attaching to hubris? Well, he's contributing to that.

Holy KoolAid is pretty wildly off at times, but he's at least entertaining, hasn't reached that level of inhuman.

What's your idea of how to steelman someone who implicitly argues for marginalising people of your faith?

Or perhaps your brand of Catholic doesn't relate to "chosen few that God cares about?"

I can see how you wouldn't relate to, nor do I, "chose few who got everything right that everyone before them got wrong" but that was not exactly what he was talking about.

B Sto
quote: What's even the importance of modesty if you are an atheist?

I can't tell you. Why don't you test it?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@iwilldi I don't intend to become an Atheist in order to test it.

I have already had very untoward experience of Atheists belittling me over my supposed lack of modesty / my supposed hubris, over my believing I know what God has revealed and that He cares for me personally.

So, on a purely sociological level, I have a good hunch. My question was about ultimate motivations.

That sociology is obviously modelled after older Christian and also Pagan (Classical) condemnations of hubris, and then readapted as a stick to beat Christians with.

2:47 "we have a responsibility to represent the other side fairly"

Often enough, I do so in dialogues on my blogs. I e, I am allowing the other side to represent himself on certain of my blogs.

See my dialogue with Lasse Aukio here:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : "Extraordinary Claims ..." — Have you Ever Heard That Slogan?

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