Friday, April 26, 2024

Where is Jeremy Sherman from?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Jeremy Sherman Rambles Without a Due Look on Ultimates · Where is Jeremy Sherman from? · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: With Jeremy Sherman PhD

Q, A I
What is the PhD of Jeremy Sherman, and from what university?

Answer requested by
Hans-Georg Lundahl

James Leland Harp
UC Berkeley grad, Stanford alum, Harvard fellow, former professor and director
Thu 25.IV.2024
St. Mark
A2A. What is the PhD of Jeremy Sherman, and from what university

According to Jeremy Sherman LinkedIn account, he got his PhD in Decision Science from Union Institute and University in 2021. See

For more information about Union Institute and University, see

Discover the Union Difference

St. Mark
Thu 25.IV.2024

Hans-Georg Lundahl
  1. What is “Decision Science”?
  2. Is not Union Institute heavily focussed on teaching “modern” subjects like “leadership” or “social justice” or teaching in California (while the campus is in Ohio)?

Fri 26.IV.2024

James Leland Harp
Why don’t create a LinkedIn account and message Jeremy for details about “decision science”? He would be the right person to explain his dissertation.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I actually have one, and I accessed his profile.

Thank you. I think this was helpful, I tried to see his linkedin yesterday, and the extention was stopping his page from showing, I thought he had deleted it. Well, technically, probably not “the extension” as such, but a few characters after the last slash

What is the PhD of Jeremy Sherman, and from what university?

Answer requested by
Hans-Georg Lundahl

Joshua Gross
Associate Professor of Computer Science at CSUMB
Our Lady of Good Counsel
I assume you’re speaking of this guy:

His PhD is from the soon-to-be-defunct online institution Union Institute and University.[1] They stopped offering coursework in Fall of 2023 and seem to have no plans or resources necessary to open. They have been evicted from their headquarters and cannot receive federal financial aid. They have apparently put teach-out programs in place. That’s the last step.

This is not to say that he’s some sort of fraud or didn’t receive a solid education. He does not have any formal qualification in psychology, although that’s a bit confusing:


I don’t say this to disparage him. I find myself in a similar situation, since none of my degrees is in computer science. He may be a fantastic life coach. A formal credential in psychology is not necessary to be a life coach, and it’s not the only way to learn the relevant literature/information.

[1] Union Institute & University - Wikipedia

Sat. 27.IV.2024

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Thank you very much.

In other words, he’s basically trying to be a life coach, rather than for instance do metaphysics or theory of knowledge or theory of science?

I mean overall, as opposed to individual items on his internet output.

Mon. 29.IV.2024

Joshua Gross
From what I can tell, he has a number of sources of income and has held a lot of different careers. If his general content is geared toward big-picture stuff, that makes sense; his writing and YouTube are likely to just be a hobby, and we all want to think big thoughts when we can. He’s probably not making any money from it.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

The problem is, I interacted with that, on basically big picture debate conditions, and he switched to life coach mode, when I complained of being censored.

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