Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Reflection on Being Indifferent to Reception

1493 = "doctrine of discovery" ? Not really · A Reflection on Being Indifferent to Reception

Is Pope Francis the Most Based Pope Ever?
Brian Holdsworth | 21 Sept. 2024

3:33 There are two things one could be indifferent about in the reception.

a) if it's taken as sth heterodox, then indifference is bad, one needs to confess the faith
b) if it's taken as the orthodox view it is, but is resented.

In this latter case, indifference is sometimes unavoidable.

I cannot possibly foresee how a girl will take "abortion is murder, because the fetus is a person" ... I can fear she will take it badly, I can hope she will take it well.

I can refrain from calculating, because I leave things in the hands of God.

Caring so much of how sth is taken that one avoids certain truths is, however, tantamount to stifling such truths.

A Catholic Christendom that was won by avoiding Young Earth Creationism in order to not alienate Atheists allergic to it, or dito with Geocentrism, would end up being a Catholic Christendom allergic to Young Earth Creationism and to Geocentrism, as the Atheists converting (often remaining in power) would not be cured of Evolutionism and Heliocentrism. But a Christendom allergic to Young Earth Creationism or to Geocentrism would be allergic to, if not solemn dogma as per Creeds or Trentine canons, at least Catholic Truths. It would be Anticatholic.

The same applies to allergies against the idea of young marriages. When St. Thomas Aquinas said a girl age 12 and a boy age 14 could marry, he meant what he said. He didn't mean they could engage in a marriage only ratum and not consummatum. He meant they could consume the marriage. Barring only late physical development, and, in the case of the boy, occasions to marry (which in many classes involved being an independent breadwinner, today most breadwinners are dependent, and one way of being independent, as in a youtuber, wouldn't discriminate against boys of 14).

We cannot assume that the convert God wants to bring to the Church is the Swedish feminist over the Muslim Conservative. And those who want to defend the West on the ground of Modernity, are defening a vision of the West which is even worse (but also likelier to happen) than a Muslim takeover of it. (Likelier to happen the next few decades, that is).

Probably the most based Pope was the first one.

His colleague at Roman martyrdom wrote:

Praedica verbum, insta opportune, importune: argue, obsecra, increpa in omni patientia, et doctrina.
[2 Timothy 4:2]

Somehow my memory manages to reduce that to "praedica opportune, importune" and attribute it to St. Peter before I search.

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