Monday, September 30, 2024

Preterist View of the Olivet Discourse by "Heretic Chick" ...

Glenn Beck and CS Lewis vs Jesus
Heretic Chick Chat | 24 Sept. 2024

15:55 There is an earlier contendant for abomination:

"Caligula orders that a statue of himself be placed in the Temple in Jerusalem. The governor of Syria, Publius Petronius, who is responsible for having an erecting the statue, faces mass demonstrations by Jews of the region and manages to delay construction of the statue until the death of Caligula in AD 41."

38:08 He also said "you are not of the world, but in the world" or some Apostle said it on His behalf.

He did found a visible kingdom which is called the Catholic Church, but He also did found very specially a visible kingdom which is becoming more visible right now, of reunited Judah and Ephraim.

They are called Palestinians.

By the way, the idea that the New Covenant is the New Heavens and Earth vindicates my reformed view of a Patristic spiritual reading of the Creation Days.

The First Coming was on "Day Six" ... Jesus came within the sixth millennium or sixth Adamic lifespan from Creation.
But the Second Coming would rather be on "Day Eight" ... the New Creation took three Creation Days: Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Lord's Day of Resurrection.

We are currently in the eighth millennium or the eighth Adamic lifespan counting from Creation.

38:55 That we are not living in the end times does not follow.

You have argued for Preterism of the Olivet Discourse, that's one thing. But you have not argued for Preterist fulfilment of the Apocalypse.

Now, Henoch and Elijah have not come. But the stage is already nearly set for their killing.

Apocalypse 11 has a verse stating their dead bodies lie in the streets of:
  • the Great City
  • where their Lord also was Crucified (Golgotha was outside 1st C. Jerusalem, but is inside contemporary Jerusalem)
  • which is spiritually Sodom (there are Pride Parades in Jerusalem)
  • and Egypt (look at how they treat Palestinians).

Now, Henoch and Elijah have not come. But the stage is already nearly set for their killing.

yes Elijah has come Jesus confirmed that the coming 'Elijah' was John the Baptist.

Why do you think that the scripture says Elijah will come twice?

And Revelation 11 is speaking of the two lampstands that did not fall away, The two witnesses are those two lampstands who stood strong in faith before the Lord.

First what does 'stand' mean..

Romans 14:4
Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

second who are the two lampstands that stood in faith

go back and read, there were seven lampstands which symbolized the seven churches.


Rev 1:20
.....and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.

Five of the lampstands were judged and removed and only two lampstands stood remaining.

who were those lampstands?

The two lampstands or churches that remined faithful were the two churches in Philadelphia and Smyrna.

The 'bodies' of these two lampstands were the persecuted saints who kept the faith. The dead bodies of the Christian martyrs were left in the streets to rot or hung on crosses and left for all to see. The apostate Jews celebrated the deaths of the martyrs as they considered it the death of the heretic religion that Jesus was the leader of.

It is not about two special men who had supernatural powers as you assume.

The 'fire from heaven' that came down from heaven through the authority of the Christian witnesses, was the gospel of Christ.

By the way Revelation 11 is one of my favorite studies

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@ophiuchus9071 It so happens that this is not the reading of the Church.

Church Fathers and Scholastics have identified the two witnesses with Henoch and Elijah.

In fact, it was a spiritual, not a literal fulfilment, when the word of the prophet was considered as fulfilled by Jesus in the person of St. John the Baptist.

@ophiuchus9071 Plus purely physically:

Smyrna and Philadelphia could not be lying dead in the streets of Jerusalem.

40:07 The physical is perhaps not superior to the spiritual. Or perhaps one exception.

But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female
[Mark 10:6]

That's clearly physical, and that's very obviously superior to some misguided males who think they are spiritually females or vice versa ...

But the spiritual is often conjoined with the physical. OT circumcision, NT water baptism. Marriage is a great mystery in Christ and His Bride, but it is also a carnal union.

When Jesus said His kingdom was not coming with observation, He was not stating it was totally invisible or asocial, He was more like saying it came in an unobtrusive way.

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