Friday, September 27, 2024

Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No.

Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No. · Now, is Pope Michael II the True Pope? Hope So. · For the Feast of St. Thérèse · Advice on Turning the Other Cheek · Is Writing Above the Station of a Homeless? — No.

The Moment She Stopped Believing in Christianity
Melody Freeman | 27 Sept. 2024

People with your idea have prayed for me.

I fast less. I pray lots less. And I'm worse. Physically and my trust in God.

Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election. For doing these things, you shall not sin at any time.
2 Peter 1:10

If I had kept up, I'd have been less close to diabetes or kidney strain, and happier and also I would have had fewer people just plain "worrying" about me and destroying my social life.

I don't know what she did when she fasted twice a week, but it's not a bad thing. The Pharisee wasn't wrong to fast twice a week, he was just wrong to see his good works while he prayed instead of his failures.

St. Peter didn't mean like "found a company so you can then use some money to fund a charity" he meant plain good works like, prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

Sounds like you can't part with your precious rosary. It must be an idol to you. How sad for people to be burdened with rosaries.

Ruby Red Infinite
I am confused by your comment. Do you want to pray the rosary, or do you not want to pray the rosary? I am asking out of curiosity, not judgement.

Either way, I think it's not supposed to be about a specific prayer/set of words to pray, it's about talking and praying to God whom you have a relationship with. It's about allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in life to forgive, to love, to rest in Christ, to give generously and all the other wonderful good fruits that come from Him. So that you can grow closer to God.

If you start focussing on a specific type of prayer like the rosary, aren't you just as lost as that lady Melody is reacting to?

That is what we call works based faith. You are focussed on what you do/are doing and you think it results in good or bad, instead of focussing on what Christ has already done. Prayer should be about having an honest open and submissive conversation and relationship with God, with Christ. No amount of fasting or saying specific prayers or doing specific routines is going to get you closer to God if you are focussed on doing those things, instead of God himself.

Just something to think about.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@rubyredinfinite9949 "aren't you just as lost as that lady Melody is reacting to?"

I actually thought that Melody was talking about sth like fasting Wednesdays and Fridays and praying the Jesus Prayer or Rosary.

A little later, it turns out the lady was sth like a Pentecostal, and she was writing her prayers down.

That is, she did NOT have a specific prayer, she was intensely trying to have a personal relationship on very personal terms, so to speak keeping a diary of her walk with God.

That's what burdened her. Too much improvisation and creativity on her part.

The Rosary or other set prayers that are long enough (in the Middle Ages "little Hours of Our Lady" were a layman's miniature of the "Hours" prayed by monks and nuns and clergy, and the Rosary was considered a kind of layman's substitute for that), they will naturally put you in a peaceful state, kind of light hypnosis.

My problem with the Rosary pesonally is twofold:
  • whom would I be praying it with? I know certain Catholics where I am who have been praying for the wrong things, so I would prefer not to pray with them;
  • I am so burdened by a persecution and kind of burned out that I cannot pray Our Father, most of the time, because it contains "as we forgive" ...

IF these two things were repaired, I would want to get back to the Rosary. As it is, on a good day, I am likely to pray three Hail Mary.

@rubyredinfinite9949 "You are focussed on what you do/are doing and you think it results in good or bad, instead of focussing on what Christ has already done."

Plain false.

The sorrowful mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays) are:

  1. the sweating of blood in Gethsemane
  2. the scourging at the pillar
  3. the crowning with thorns
  4. the carrying of the Cross
  5. the death on Calvary

Of the ensuing glorious mysteries, you'll recognise the first three:

  1. the Resurrection
  2. the Ascension
  3. Jesus sending His Holy Spirit
  4. Assumption of Mary
  5. Crowning of Mary in Heaven

And, to be complete, the glorious mysteries are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, so what do we pray Mondays and Thursdays? Joyful mysteries, which will be familiar to you as well:

  1. Annunciation
  2. Visit to Elisabeth
  3. Birth of God in the flesh
  4. Carrying forth in the Temple (both Circumcision and Purification, the former when God receives the blessed name Jesus)
  5. the finding in the Temple, when He was at age 12 teaching the best teachers.

If you are not so tired you can hardly pray at all, which is often my case, and so irritated you don't feel like it even if you aren't tired, also often my case, the Rosary makes it on the contrary super easy to concentrate on precisely what Jesus has done. Not on what I want. Not on what I can do. Both of these are side issues. But what Jesus has done and where Mary stands in relation to that.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@br.m You are judging and judging wrongly.

See my answer to Ruby Red Infinite.

@rubyredinfinite9949 Rosary addicts want to go to purgatory but it isn't real so they just go straight to hell.

Peter Wallis
@br.m lol. So you dont believe Jesus when he said if you believe in me and are baptised, you will be saved? (Paraphrasing). Why would it matter to salvation if you pray the rosary or not? I think, like other prayers, it is good, but its not going to either qualify or disqualify you from heaven. Why would you think that?

@peterwallis4288 Baptism saves? What about the thief on the cross?

Peter Wallis
@br.m that's what Jesus said to Niccodemus.

And the theif couldn't be baptised. I think if you are able to do so, it is expected of you.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@br.m The thief on the cross was saved while the Old Testament was still in function.

The conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus was published while the New Covenant was already functional.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@br.m Actually, wanting to go to Purgatory (which is Biblically at least half endorsed) is not typical of Catholics, unless they are lukewarm.

Being addicted to the Rosary is no worse than being addicted to God's grace. The question is not whether a behaviour is "addictive" but whether the chosen activity one is behaving is good.

@hglundahl Purgatory is not Biblical. What are Catholics if not lukewarm?

Being addicted to the rosary is worse. The question is belief or unbelief. The problem is Roman Catholics are not yet disciples of Jesus. They are occupied with other things and don't take Jesus and the Bible seriously.

@hglundahl Friend what do you mean "the thief on the cross was saved while the Old Testament was still in function"? Where did you learn this?

So the Thief on the cross was saved by an older covenant? The Mosaic covenant? So you are saying the thief on the cross was saved by the law? Can you show me where in the Bible you read this?

@peterwallis4288 Jesus told Nicodemus not to play with the rosary?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@br.m "Purgatory is not Biblical."

Some view of most dead needing to be prayed for certainly is, II Maccabees 12. Even if you did not see this as Biblical, supposing (as is probable) you have the fake 66 book canon, you would still need to account for the idea existing among Jews in Jesus' time and before, and Him not rebuking it.

"What are Catholics if not lukewarm?"

All sorts. There are lukewarm. There are scrupulous. There are totally disaffected, and there are real saints.

"The problem is Roman Catholics are not yet disciples of Jesus."

You have no warrant for that idea. Not from the Rosary, and not from anything else.

"So you are saying the thief on the cross was saved by the law?"

I actually did not say that. I said he was saved WHILE it was in function, and BEFORE it was replaced by the New Covenant.

I will admit, I have assumed that the moment one covenant was replaced by the other, was the moment Jesus died on the Cross, and this obviously had not yet happened when Jesus declared the thief justified. He was not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith that went with it, and which could still be expressed by those works.

"Jesus told Nicodemus not to play with the rosary?"

Jesus told no one ever to avoid the rosary, or long singing of psalms. Just because Calvin had an aversion and inserted it into the Geneva Bible's Matthew 6:7, from whence it came to the King James, also heretical, it doesn't follow Jesus shared this aversion or that it is in the correct text of Matthew 6:7.

When it comes to Baptism saving, Peter Wallis and myself are both referring to John 3:5.

4:37 Sorry, I misjudged what you were going to say.

But there definitely are Protestants around me I'm not misjudging.

6:32 Did the Holy Ghost make King David an example for us?

Seven times a day I have given praise to thee, for the judgments of thy justice.
[Psalms 118:164]

Praying the hours really is Biblical. That's why monks and priests and nuns do it. It's not an obligation for everyone, though.

8:11 "in paradise" ... Jesus didn't say that they were in Heaven above, they were arguably down in Sheol where Abraham and David, Adam and Eve were waiting for their redeemer.

Even before Jesus went down, that part of Sheol was fairly paradisal, but with the soul of Jesus down there, that would have been paradise, like Heaven is now, since they have all gone up.

10:35 The guys who prayed for me to stop praying the rosary have deprived me of resting in Christ, or at least reduced it.

There are guys over here I wouldn't want to pray the rosary with because they too pray for wrong things for me, which after being in their parish for 2~3 years depending on how you count I can be sure of. And praying the rosary involves praying Our Father and forgiving enemies. But apart from that, I'd prefer, or at least I should prefer going back to the rosary.

No, praying the rosary is not a violation of Matthew 6:7. Yes, it is obedience to Ephesians 5:18.

10:49 Is it the room on the screen or is it your Protestantism?

A Catholic will never quote Ephesians 2:8,9. A Catholic will quote Ephesians 2:8,9 and 10.

11:04 But note, Jesus will not say that because they were "too works based" but because they didn't have the right priorities in their works:

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock
[Matthew 7:23-24]

(sigh, there is some Matthew 6:15 to catch up on, if I want to go to Heaven).

11:38 You are contradicting Ephesians 2:10 and II Peter 1:10.

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