Monday, October 7, 2024

Advice on Turning the Other Cheek

Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No. · Now, is Pope Michael II the True Pope? Hope So. · For the Feast of St. Thérèse · Advice on Turning the Other Cheek · Is Writing Above the Station of a Homeless? — No.

"Turn the other cheek" — they taught you wrong
Alice by the Palm | 26 Sept. 2024

9:20 Three things you haven't backed up to my best knowledge:

  • he had been in trouble for ten years (since being sold or since tempted by Potiphar's wife?)
  • he became a leader among the slaves (of Potiphar)
  • he became a leader among the criminals

A fourth thing, the prison where he was, there is no indication whatsoever that this was a prison for lowlife criminals, many of those would be punished very swiftly. They would die or lose one or more limbs. It was more of an oubliette, since it received people who had fallen out of grace with the Pharao or with his servants, like Potiphar.

For "ten years" I may simply have been forgetful, for the other two, I'm pretty positive.

9:20 bis, looking up.

"Became a leader" sounds wrong, but it is not totally contrary to fact.

And Joseph found favour in the sight of his master, and ministered to him: and being set over all by him, he governed the house committed to him, and all things that were delivered to him
[Genesis 39:4]

Becoming a leader usually refers to charismatically getting chosen by the others. He wasn't that. He was named by the common master.

9:20 ter, looking up

Same thing with the prisoners, as said not the same thing as criminals.

But the Lord was with Joseph and having mercy upon him gave him favour in the sight of the chief keeper of the prison Who delivered into his hand all the prisoners that were kept in custody: and whatsoever was done was under him
[Genesis 39:21-22]

He didn't (as far as we know) become the ring leader inside prison, he was named overseer over the others.

Again, no indication he was the streetsmart guy who could manage to get elected by his peers. Or that he wasn't.

9:20 quater

After this, it came to pass, that two eunuchs, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, offended their lord
[Genesis 40:1]

Doesn't say how long after.

After two years Pharao had a dream. He thought he stood by the river
[Genesis 41:1]

These two years (in the Scripture) are after the supposed "ten years" ... perhaps I wasn't forgetful, after all?

20:33 I have been scratching dead bodies out of my scalp all the morning.

You know, lice don't cease to itch because a shampoo kills them or because too much fat from outside or inside my body kills them. Dead lice itch too.

There are occasions when you are obliged to be agressive to dead bodies, like those of lice.

24:23 There are people verifying my capacity to turn the other cheek every day.

There are people who allow me no purpose as long as I react.

They think they are doing the Lord's purpose, they are taking up the role of Potiphar's wife, and of the unjust Pharao. Who didn't enquire if Potiphar was perhaps wrong.

And Joseph was brought into Egypt, and Putiphar an eunuch of Pharao, chief captain of the army, an Egyptian, bought him of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought
[Genesis 39:1]

If you are an eunuch, you have some reason to fear your wife may be unfaithful. And that fear may strike out against the wrong person.

Possibly, the Pharao might even have been the one who made him a eunuch, but certainly he was failing in due diligence.

Verifying continuously how much I can take is a way of doing their work. And of keeping me away from my purpose.

25:39 Yes, exactly.

Pastor X wants to verify how close I am to Joseph and to turning the other cheek, pastor Y encourages people to make my homelessness a prison, which in France it didn't need to be, pastor Z tells you to be sad about that.

So many have shown this double take:
  • IF I pursue my purpose, they say "he's happy" and conclude I wouldn't mind remaning poor, even if my blogs could actually be printed and make some profit, both financially and spiritually;
  • IF I respond to anything, they say "oh, he's wasting his time responding" and pretend I need to be kept back until I have learned the lesson.

In God's eyes, such pastors may indeed be far below me. But unfortunately, they are seen as vigilant pastors, they are seen as spiritually mature, they are seen as doing their job, when they are pastorally abusive, and on top of that, they dispose of young and innocent souls, who are indeed far ahead of me spiritually (at least for the Catholics), and can tell them to pray for this or that or sundry, and people who are right with God will pray for what their pastor has told them I need, and ignore what I want.

In the case of a certain type of Protestant pastors, they want to pretend I need to learn more and more lessons as long as I defend the Catholic Church and the Rosary and the Palestinians (who are Israelites and partly descend from Joseph, through Ephraim, through the woman at Sichar and the audience of St. Philip the Deacon, just as much as they partly descend from Judah.

And a certain type of sham Catholics will pretend that I need lessons or need to be set apart like some kind of monk, as long as I defend Young Earth Creationism and Geocentrism.

27:07 Young lady, I think I have had my "character" shaped a bit longer than you have even been alive.

27:39 Sometimes getting the studies done is more important than having "amazing focus" ...

And getting the wages for what you do by what you learned in your studies may also be more important than having "amazing focus" ...

29:01 The world may not owe me active helps towards my success.

The whole world however does owe me (and everyone else) to abstain from evil deeds calculated to hinder.

The kind of guys who pretend to analyse me over my thinking "the whole world owes me" are partly the guys who have been, themselves, machinating the evil deeds, as "tests" or as "ways to help God shape my character" or whatever.

30:24 You are aware that you just told how St. Paul certainly didn't disobey that, but definitely "disobeyed" a certain interpretation of that?

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