Friday, October 4, 2024

No, I Do Not Take My Views from Protestantism

An Orthodox Who Believes the Infidel Lesch · Geocentrism Again : Sungenis and Coulombe · No, I Do Not Take My Views from Judaism · No, I Do Not Take My Views from Protestantism

Why are we so confident about heliocentrism?
Disciple Science | 25 Sept. 2020

0:49 "Discovery"?

Did Columbus "discover" people who did not descend from Adam and Eve, or was that just a misreading of what people he did discover in the Americas?

2:42 "inference to the best explanation" ...

Can an explanation be "best" in one way and "worst" in another?

Can an explanation be "best" about one set of data, and all the time "worst" or at least thoroughly bad about a wider set of data including the first?

3:49 Yes, it was and is common sense that we are stationary and things move around us.

5:19 Accurate predictions:
Increases over the series:
Ptolemy, Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler with Riccioli.

Geocentrism vs Heliocentrism goes zig zag same list of names.

Ptolemy Geo
Copernicus Helio
Brahe Geo
Kepler Helio
Riccioli Geo.

5:30 As to definition.

A "planet" in Ptolemy's sense is defined as:
  • unlike the Earth, moving around Earth each day and night (also true for Fix Stars)
  • unlike the Fix Stars, going through the full circle of the Ecliptic Plane or Zodiac.

With this definition Sun and Moon are planets.

6:44 Epicycles (with or without the Sun at the Centre) are as familiar as Spirographs.

Copernicus' view of getting rid of Epicycles simply means he thought God would have thought Spirograph patterns ugly, because they are difficult to describe accurately in Mathematics.

7:19 Far from messy, I would say beautiful and decorative.

9:44 Yes, exactly. Copernicus' prejudice against elliptic orbits was totally identic to his prejudice against spirograph orbits.

Painting God as a stickler for perfect circles only.

11:32 You are aware that "Aristotle's physics" involve Geocentrism as a proof for God, and that that was probably what St. Paul was speaking of in Romans 1:18—20?

He wasn't speaking of the flagellum of the bacterium or the beauty of the Horseshoe Galaxy, by the text itself he was speaking of things seen with the naked eye since the Creation of the World.

13:41 Tycho Brahe had already explained the phases of Venus in principle, whether he observed them or not, since for him, three classes of object circle Earth. Class 1, one item, the Moon. Class 2, one item, the Sun. Class 3, very many items, the fix stars.

Everything else would be circling the Sun.

So, adjust that to "or another planet" and we have accounted, Geocentrically for the Moons of Jupiter. Galileo's Inquisitors didn't deny any of his observations.

13:51 Galileo was in trouble, not for any discovery at all, but only for what he guessed about what they meant.

15:25 Riccioli was a Tychonian Geocentric, and he reformed Tycho with Kepler's elliptic orbits.

He didn't get less accurate results than Kepler did.

Did astronomy change how we read the Bible?
Disciple Science | 24 July 2020

3:08 That's a very heavy allegation against the Pope.

Do you have any evidence that Pope Urban VIII was generally speaking both paranoid (very few would have known Simplicio involved a private conversation with himself back as Cardinal Barberini) and small minded (another Pope was asking a cardinal to be generous to Michelangelo, who had put a portrait of the cardinal among the damned)?

Or do you conclude that just so as to defend the orthodoxy of Heliocentrism?

3:25 You are misrepresenting both Kepler's situation and Pope Pius VII's decision.

1) Kepler wrote a sci-fi book, with his mum visiting moon and other planets and taking non-centrality of the earth from her meetings with Selenites and other ET's, she was tried for witchcraft.
2) Pius VII never decided Geocentrism was wrong. Anfossi was not allowed to censor the book of Settele, but neither was he asked to recant his Geocentrism. Btw, I think he may have been son of the composer Pasquale Anfossi.

4:05 Fine as far as it goes.

But how about going beyond verse 13, where "phenomenal language" as it is called is just a thinkable explanation, just back one verse to verse 12.

If it was earth that ceased to rotate, this is the first time in the Bible there was a mismatch between the words of a miracle worker and the actual result. Some would even pretend it was not the last, but that for instance demonic possession does not occur, so it was something other than exorcism that Jesus actually did (well, why would the pigs of Gadara run to their destruction, if so?)

5:14 Wolffia is a water plant, it's seed is not managed by farmers.

Orchids were absent from the Holy Land in Our Lord's day, and I'm not sure they had poppy there either, though that did exist in the Roman Empire.

Mustard would be the smallest seed available to His audience.

5:17 Consider the ravens, for they sow not, neither do they reap, neither have they storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them. How much are you more valuable than they?
[Luke 12:24]

I don't think the ravens store food.

Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, nor do they reap, nor gather into barns: and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?
[Matthew 6:26]

It's probable that the ones Jesus was pointing to were not of the hoarding species.

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