Sunday, October 6, 2024

Unity, Precious AND Dangerous

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Babel's Confusion was Not a Curse · Creation vs. Evolution: Three Questions on Quora · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Josephus on Nimrod and Babel, Vindicated · Unity, Precious AND Dangerous

Mystery of the Tower E02 The Problem and the Premise
Brad McFadden | 23 Sept. 2024

[All the following comments were taken down]

here's my 7:06 premise if all believers are guided by 7:09 the Holy Spirit to understand the word 7:11 of God and the mind of Christ and 7:14 assuming that many are willing to yield 7:17 to the Holy Spirit's 7:19 leading then the church over the past 7:22 2,000 years since being given the Holy 7:26 Spirit we should be gradually 7:29 approaching a closer understanding of 7:32 biblical 7:33 truth on any given issue and that should 7:37 reflect in a greater sense of of unity 7:41 overall

I'd disagree that all believers are guided, there are believers who live in sin.

But basically, I'd agree.

And I'd point you to a recurrent place in Church history where this has consistently happened. Rome.

Consistently, that is, up to a recent attempted hijacking of the Catholic Church.

as online platforms create 7:59 more opportunities for people to engage 8:02 with opposing views those professing a 8:05 faith in Jesus Christ are consistently 8:08 entrenching within their own views and 8:12 there is a tendency to 8:15 radicalize uh opposing views opposing 8:19 perspectives excuse 8:20 me

Well, there are quite a few who carry the name up to a certain point but who aren't Catholic.

On my view, that includes not just Protestants, to a lesser degree (as to doctrine) Orthodox, but it even includes Modernists.

9:13 We are to be known by our love for one another (within the true Church), not by our love for the world.

I would say, to a very important degree, the Ecumenic project is a kind of new building of Babel.

And God has put the internet to judge it.

Christians can't all be Christians, because Christians contradict. I am careful not to judge about your individual final salvation, you could be a Catholic before you die, but a community that isn't Catholic, as long as it remains such, is outside the Kingdom (to which Peter got the keys, Matthew 16:19, John 21:15—17). It is not as a community salvific.

11:28 As long as you do not give names, I cannot know for certain whether you are correctly assessing that those people should have repented.

Perhaps they should. Perhaps they shouldn't. Perhaps it shows those they ridiculed weren't real believers who deserved ridicule, perhaps it shows they weren't true believers.

If you think, as a Protestant, that a believer cannot lose salvation, you should not worry about that, the true believers weren't losing their salvation.

As a Catholic, I think, yes, a believer can lose both grace and even faith, but we are far less prone (apart from what I take to be hijackers) to believe a specific physical tool or habit can damn you, and we are also (as Chesterton mentioned more than once), happy to show forth us NOT being united to those in error.

The commandment you read is for the Church. Not for Church + all heretical sects taken as a unity.

13:36 "how does the Bible say we should get to unity"

And if he will not hear them: tell the church. And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and publican.
[Matthew 18:17]

what I found may be a possible 14:12 answer and I'm curious to know if any of 14:16 you think it would be worth 14:19 trying

If it's rejecting the internet, I know some do so already.

And I'm not one of them.

Dito for "debates on" ...

After my above comments were down, I have added a new one:

I am, between your words and the fact my comments are down reminded of the attitude of John Kerry as commented on by Isabel Brown:

Elites Just Told Us How They'll SILENCE US!
Isabel Brown | 3 Oct. 2024

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