Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

New blog on the kid: If Some Idiot Pretends it was Irresponsible of Me to Go the Camino de Santiago in 2004 · Where are the Homeless in Poland? · I'm Not Likely to Admit I Need a Certain Type of Help · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: I Do Not Intend to do AA or Similar ...

... and I do not intend to humble myself being sorry right or left because someone decided to get hurt at something which inherently wasn't hurtful, or if hurtful for him, wasn't intended for him.

If crooks who were treating my mother possibly made sure she was hurt at sth I actually or supposedly did, it's not for me to apologise to her memory, it's for them to ideally go to prison for having mistreated her.

A Weirdly Christian YouTuber Apology Video
Emma Thorne | 9 Oct. 2024

"I 3:35 was difficult to work with. I took a lot of opportunities that I didn't deserve 3:41 and also had no business doing. (Gabbie laughs) There were a lotta people who kind of, you know, 3:46 practiced and trained and wanted some of those opportunities their whole lives and I was able to do them with really little 3:54 to no actual effort in that space. So also sorry to anybody who deserved the opportunity more than me. 4:01"

Sounds like she believes "narcissism" is a thing.

Her Church must be heavily modernist.

" This bit makes me uncomfortable because it feels like it's come from therapy. 8:24 That's a wild guess and I apologize if it's untrue. I just think that it sounds like the sort of thing 8:31 that your therapist tells you to do to understand your feelings in a situation. 8:36 Like writing out letters of apology, writing out your feelings, is the kinda thing that a counselor might suggest you do."

We could also be dealing with some kind of AA like thing.


Very seriously, AA is a hateful thing, and so are quite a few therapists of the psychological, psychoanalytical kind./HGL

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