Friday, October 4, 2024

7 D A Style Lies, Refutations by Me

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Gematria of IHCOYCAssorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: 7 D A Style Lies, Refutations by Me

"you are repeating the evil doctrines of Adventism" I said in a reply — obviously meaning 7th Day, and I'm not saying he's that, but he's repeating it from them or from people like them.

I have called Apocalyptically minded Roman Catholics (like myself) "Eighth Day Adventists" so the fact of expecting a Second Coming soon is not what I'm going after. It's more like what Ellen Gould White took over from Newton, but whoever "melquiscarfe" is, whatever group he represents, he's taking it partly to a new level.

Jesus and papal Christianity, the seal of the beast 666 in the inquisition?
melquiscarfe | 30 Sept. 2024

4:13 Can you name exactly even one instance of when the use of Yeshua was seen as a mark of heresy?

[Spoiler alert: he couldn't up to 13 hours later]

[deleted a comment, probably after seeing he did a mistake]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@melquiscarfe In that case, you misspoke in the video.

You spoke of Inquisitors who worshipped Jesus, and who saw the use of the name Yeshua as a mark of heresy.

When? Where? Who was put to trial? What was the outcome?

Yes, the papacy and its inquisitorial courts judged true believers, accusing them of being heretics or Judaizers for the sole fact of pronouncing the true name of the Lord in Aramaic.

As we read in Revelation about the two beasts, which are the Roman Empire then the Papacy, they received authority over every language, tribe and nation and this by the work of Satan because the only thing Satan needed was to eradicate the name that has the power to save. for that of the Catholic idol Jesus. archaeological rock evidence identifies the name Yeshúa, not Jesus

All this happened in the era of the inquisition for 1260 average years

Please read 2nd Thessalonians 2:2-12 in the Bible.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@melquiscarfe "for the sole fact of pronouncing the true name of the Lord in Aramaic."

Sorry, but you refuse to give an example.

"All this happened in the era of the inquisition for 1260 average years"

Sorry again, but Inquisitions (with authority to deliver for execution) came and went, and none lasted 1260 years, nor did the period overall do so.

Last person burnt by the Spanish Inquisition was no later than 1830. That's when Spain and all Colonies abolished it.

First person to be burnt would have been after the IV Lateran Council in 1215. 615 does not equal 1260.

In the Spanish Inquisition, Judaiser was indeed one type of heretic that could be burned, but it took more than just a habit of saying Yeshua to get to the stake.

@melquiscarfe I read on a few verses.

Verse 14 says Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.

What is the likelier description of Catholicism?

The traditions taught by St. Paul or the "the operation of error, to believe lying" in the passage you quoted?

I would say the man of iniquity was indeed revealed and "the operation of error, to believe lying" is now on the scene.

"he who now holdeth" was the Roman Emperor.

Sure, some Roman Emperors prefigured Antichrist, but the heritage of Caesar (not of the Republic, which was several times over "ten kings") was in a sense an image of Christ. Lenin did not come like Caesar. He came like Caius and Tiberius Gracchus, fully "fourth beast Roman Republic" ... as a politician opting for power. Then he used it with proscriptions like Sulla and Marius. Since the Roman Emperors (both Vienna and St. Petersburg) had been taken out of the way, as St. Paul prophecied.

While you hold to "1260 years" (a chronological figure not mentioned in the Bible!), you are repeating the evil doctrines of Adventism (slightly less evil in theology than Calvinism, though), and that has been for pretty long promoted by the successor of Lenin. Not as official truth in his beloved Russia, but as a clearly tolerated and protected group, enjoying at least as much freedom and respect as the Karaites. Beware least you become the tools of the real Antichrist.

That is the harsh reality that was experienced in the Inquisition at the hands of the Catholic Church. Look for the news that Pope John Paul II, before dying, asked humanity for forgiveness for all those genocides caused during 12 centuries by his institution.

I am not an Adventist. I differ on many points with Adventists of certain eschatological positions.

The following comment
was censored, during and before editing:

I reposted:

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@melquiscarfe I said:

"While you hold to "1260 years" (a chronological figure not mentioned in the Bible!), you are repeating the evil doctrines of Adventism"

In the Bible, the Antichrist has 1260 24 hour periods, not 360-day or 365-day periods.

That (1) and applying 1260 years to some period of Roman Catholicism in power (2) and pretending the real Christianity is more Judaising (3) are three doctrines you repeat from Adventism.

I guess I should have said you repeat some evil doctrines of Adventism, but they are very marked ones.

"the harsh reality that was experienced in the Inquisition"

You are refusing to say who experienced it.

I'm not saying Judaisers weren't burnt (unless repenting) under the Spanish Inquisition. I'm just saying the mere habit of saying Yeshua would not have been enough for that. If by contrast they had gone on and said "no mi gusta decir Jesús" and pretended that was "not his real name" (it's closer than Hans for Yohanan, and in both cases the -s comes from Greek grammar, masculine nominatives have an -s), well, that's another story.

St. Ignatius wanted to call his company Jesuats, with an A, (like Jesua in the Hebrew form of the name), but that order already existed. Cardinal Jiménez considered that the first name Jesus ever had was "Dabar" ("word" in Hebrew, though I think the modern pronunciation is more like "Dvar" or "Dvor"). The idea that the Spanish Inquisition would have despised the Hebrew or Aramaic form is preposterous. Other Inquisitions (whether Languedoc or Rome) never even went for Judaisers as a category.

Next quote from you, you get basically every word wrong:

"Pope John Paul II, before dying, asked humanity for forgiveness for all those genocides caused during 12 centuries by his institution."

Asked for forgiveness is correct.

He was not Pope, since he was not Catholic.

"Before dying" sounds like deathbed repentance, it wasn't, it was one of the many acts of overdoing the seeking of reconciliation with other religions.

I would not be certain it was "humanity" rather than Jews and Protestants he asked for forgiveness.

He didn't speak of genocides (I think) and there weren't any (at least caused by Catholic theology).

He didn't mention "12 centuries", that's an interpolation from Newton's and Ellen G. White's deliberate misreading of 1260 days.

7:39 The answer cannot be lying buried within layers of history.

1) Not about the true Church, since Jesus promised it visibility (Matthew 5:15) and persistence to the end of time (Matthew 28:16--20);
2) not about whether a name is the number of the beast or not, one can simply check the gematria.

Which I did for IHCOYC in Greek, and also in ASCII for the Latin upper case letters I used to transscribe the Greek.

8:59 "a deeply personal journey"

NO. It can't be. Truth and Law and Life were given, once and for all. He's called Jesus. (Or Yeshua in Aramaic).

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