Monday, October 14, 2024

I'm Not Sure if Graham Hancock is Part of My Audience, I'm Part of His

Fact-checking science communicator Flint Dibble on Joe Rogan Experience episode 2136
Graham Hancock Official Channel | 11 Oct. 2024

I looked up your article, Sir.*

I owe you, you put me on the trace of Göbekli Tepe being Babel, even if you so far do not share that tenet.

I think your weakness is accepting traditional dates. If at certain parts of the early past, carbon 14 levels were lots lower than supposed, that means a remainder of for instance 25 pmC now is less than thought due to decay, and more than thought due to initially low values.

Let's say a Flood happened in 2957 BC. If the atmosphere had a carbon level of 1.628 pmC, the immediate extra years 34 000 and the carbon age is 39 000 BP** (Campi Flegrei).

Let's say Noah died in 2607 and Peleg was born in 2556 BC. If the atmosphere had (in forty of those fiftyone years) a carbon level rising from 43 to 51 pmC (not looking up the decimals), that means that the carbon dates would be 9500 BC to 8000 BC (Göbekli Tepe).***

Shem, Ham and Japheth had lived in the pre-Flood world for 100 years, and they were (presumably) each alive when Noah died. (At least Shem was).

23 000–15 000 BC, Kerbaran (from your article).°

The beginning thereof would like c. 2800 BC, c. 160 years after the Flood:

2811 av. J.-Chr.
7,952 pcm, donc daté à 23 761 av. J.-Chr.
2787 av. J.-Chr.
8,996 pcm, donc daté à 22 687 av. J.-Chr.

The end thereof would be like c. 2700 BC, one century later:

2712 av. J.-Chr.
17,576 pcm, donc daté à 17 062 av. J.-Chr.
2686 av. J.-Chr.
24,062 pcm, donc daté à 14 486 av. J.-Chr.

[It can be mentioned that the oldest shipwreck is dated to 2700–2200 BC:

The earlier limit would be a bit after 1700 BC

1700 av. J.-Chr.
87,575 pcm, donc daté à 2800 av. J.-Chr.
1678 av. J.-Chr.
89,4653 pcm, donc daté à 2598 av. J.-Chr.

The latter would be in 1633 BC:

1633 av. J.-Chr.
93,3283 pcm, donc daté à 2203 av. J.-Chr.

Cyprus, mentioned in the video, is considered as peopled 11 000 BC, that is between 2686 and 2659 BC.]

* Gobekli Tepe: Gradual evolution? Or transfer of technology? Or both?
by Graham Hancock, Published 14th April 2024

** Or 37 000 BC.

*** I'll be quoting the tables on this post:

New blog on the kid: Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14
Wednesday 1 May 2024 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 09:28

° Kebaran? It said "Kerbaran" on Graham's site, but the next period was Geometric "Kebaran" ... sounds more correctly.

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