Monday, October 7, 2024

Is Writing Above the Station of a Homeless? — No.

Should I Thank Protestants Who Worry? No. · Now, is Pope Michael II the True Pope? Hope So. · For the Feast of St. Thérèse · Advice on Turning the Other Cheek · Is Writing Above the Station of a Homeless? — No.

It may for most of history have been above his resources, but if it's not above his resources, it's not "above his station" either.

How to Love the Poor with Boundaries (Fr. Mark-Mary Ames)
Matt Fradd | 3 Oct. 2024

"like we're supposed to be fathers 2:43 to the poor and father is also set 2:45 boundaries"

Excuse me, I don't think "we are supposed to be fathers to the poor" is anywhere in the Bible, but if it's in a Church Father or a Scholastic, I happen to have missed it.

I'm pretty familiar with Sts. Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas. If it's in St. Jerome or St. John Chrysostom, I could however have missed it.

Besides, if it were, where does that leave friars? Technically they are precisely poor, so does that mean that people who hold possessions have the right and duty to set boundaries for them, like cutting their "air time" if a sermon comes to touch stinginess?

Some of the examples he gives however, are definitely more avoidable by people taking homeless people they like home for dinner (the last time this happened, the couple had been in Mauretania and were pretty chill with slavery in Mauretania, they could have scared others off from becoming to close with me), than it is for any type of shelter, day shelter or night shelter, which serves the poor en masse and where each poor is inconspicuous between a lot of other poor and lots fewer people who are into looking after the crowd.

I am homeless. I am also a writer.

It is a fact that yesterday and today I could not get a shower, yesterday bc the shower that was open Saturday afternoon had been closed for renovations on October 1st, today because I arrived less than 20 minutes before the shower was closing.

It is also a fact that I had on Good Friday 12 000 blog posts, the majority of which are not "my day was fine" or "check this link" but essays or dialogues, or comments on Quora. The dialogues, like some very little fan fiction, obviously involves someone else's copyright, so I keep it unmonetised on the blogs, I do not try to get it into print without authorisation from the ones I were debating. But some of the dialogues, I basically already have an authorisation, like with Stephan Borgehammar, and the essays obviously are my own copyright.

I get trapped in homelessness, and YOUR "Catholic Church" as holding many shelters has been involved in it, over evil people pretending that as homeless, I should live under boundaries preventing me from even hoping to get even one essay into print. I'm sad to say that Trad Caths have not been without guilt on this issue.

I have however not seen any kind of indication that Novus Ordos or EOFs intend to be anything like more respectful of my right to expression or my free choice of trade.

To some, the fact I am homeless obliges me to modesty and my writing is a sin against that modesty. I obviously disagree.

I remain a Catholic. I have for seven years opted for accepting Pope Michael I and then Pope Michael II as the true Pope. Neither of them has a parish in Paris, this means I can't go to Church, but neither of them has explicitly repeated this kind of oppressive view against the homeless because they are homeless, by people who have seen too many and obviously recall the bad guys better. Obviously, I do NOT imagine a future me taking care of homeless en masse, and as obviously, I do NOT imagine a future me remodelled by my experience into the kind of modesty certain people have expected.

You pretend that Karol Wojtyla is a saint, I suppose.

I consider he betrayed me as well as lot of other Catholics to the Scarlet Beast, by making some kind of peace agreement with psychiatry, around the time the second interreligious prayer meeting was held, and that one a few weeks or months before the massacre of Srebrenica.


Can Rich People Go to Heaven? | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
Matt Fradd | 6 Oct. 2024

[To the question and before hearing Fr. Pine]

Obviously yes.

Unless they go out of their way to keep poor people poor despite honest and prolonged efforts.

A certain Franciscan for Renewal that you may know via Matt Fradd was stating that "we are supposed to be fathers to the poor" ...

The one Patristic quote that just possibly could be interpreted that way is the comment on the beatitudes.

Now one says, "many are poor in spirit who are rich in substance, many are poor in substance and rich in desires" ... unless I get a little richer, I can very easily be damned as one of the latetr.

Another says that God has put rich and poor among us so that rich may merit by disposing and poor by their patience.

If this means "disposing" about a finite amount of material alms, and patience about a finite amount of material alms, I'm totally on board.

Some seem to take this as rather meaning the rich is supposed to dispose globally about the poor and the poor are supposed to be globally patient and make no initiatives until a rich person disposing about them makes one for them or suggests they should tell them about them.

To me that version (which would fit the comment by Fr. Mark-Mary Ames) doesn't come off as Catholic, but rather as Protestant or possibly Opus Dei (which at certain times got nicknamed "the Catholic Calvinists" not bc of their view of Predestination, but in reference to their social mores).

[Matt Fradd seems to have set my channel on some kind of automatic delete. Both videos have both of my comments deleted.]

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