Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Objectivity of Truth

Atheism Logically DISMANTLED (Using Morality, Mathematics & Reason!)
Daily Dose Of Wisdom | 11 Oct. 2024

I 1:00 think Alex recognizes that signpost 1:02 because on his website he rails I think 1:05 rightfully against some of the abuses of 1:07 the Roman Catholic Church where he talks 1:09 about how priests have sexually abused 1:13 children

Does that abuse belong to the Roman Catholic Church?

First, are Roman Catholic (as compared to other recognised confessions and religions) the worst offenders or just the least good at covering up?
Second, are those clergy, mostly really Roman Catholics (as the religion was traditionally understood) or are they modernists?
Third, even among the modernists, isn't that more a thing of the past, isn't Theodore Edgar McCarrick older than James Martin?

McCarrick later met with then senator John Kerry, a Catholic and the Democratic nominee in that year's presidential election. Some Catholics felt Kerry should not have been allowed to receive Communion due to his political position favoring abortion rights.

In 2019 Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia stated that "due to the confusion caused by his statements and activities regarding same-sex related (LGBT) issues, I find it necessary to emphasize that Father Martin does not speak with authority on behalf of the Church, and to caution the faithful about some of his statements."

Note, neither of these men is accused of personally having committed sexual acts incompatible with priesthood. But they represent tendencies and they represent tendencies of at least moderate modernism.

I suppose 1:56 um objectivity to me if if if you want 1:58 my definition would be to say um that it 2:00 is true regardless of human intervention 2:02 regardless of human consciousness for 2:04 instance the Earth orits the Sun that 2:05 would be true if all humans disappeared 2:07 every single one of them it would still 2:09 be an objective fact

Badly chosen example. The Earth shall not be moved.

Only an Atheist could argue this as objectively known from his erroneous Atheism.

Any Christian would run into things like "well, we actually can interpret the Bible this way" (which, even if it were consistently true, doesn't mean by itself we should).

Or things like "God wouldn't pose appearances that mislead the scientists" (when the scientists have their somewhat ad hoc and ultimately Atheism dependent view on how to interpret the appearances, which the vast mass of mankind has no inherent need to agree with).

Also, if all humans disappeared because (possible on his view, not ours) the Earth had ceased to orbit the Sun, what about that?

But actually, for "murder is wrong" to be objectively true, it need not be able to survive the disappearance of all man, it is sufficient that it's a corollary of human existence while it exists.

the 4:05 instinctual nature within us to stay 4:07 alive causes us to think of those as 4:10 objective truths

OK, so, what of the murderer who commits murder because of the instinctive nature within him wanting to stay alive and well, and feeling an intense well-being from the act of murder, alternatively, feeling his well-being depends on things he can only obtain from the murder, alternatively, both of above together?

4:52 Chocolate, objectively, is tasty.

So is in moderate quantities, tar. If you doubt the latter, ask a fan of tar flavoured teas.

A man who can't enjoy chocolate or tar flavoured teas, has an unusual limitation.

Now unusual limitations are there in everyone. We are fallen. The problem is not having one, but having one that affects others.

Like a murderer has a very unusual limitation if he thinks a corpse is nicer than a living person, and it very much affects others if he gets to the living person in order to obtain a corpse. I mean, for a living person to become a corpse, that is certainly being affected.

10:17 There is arbitrariness in mathematical language when you go beyond basic arithmetic of natural integers.

In "3 apples", three certainly is a number.

But some will state "3 meters" also contains this number rather than "3 meters" being a length proportion to a standard "meter" length. I'd balk at that. When we deal with length, we deal with geometry, not arithmetic.

It is certainly true that "(4 - 2)2" is equal to "42 - 2*4*2 + 22", but is this because "(-2)2" essentially is "+4"? Or is it because "42 - 2*4*2 + 22" is a convenient shorthand for "42 - 4*2 - (4 -2)*2" — and I hold the latter. There is no essential law about numbers as such saying "a negative times a negative equals a positive" it is just a way of restating "when you subtract something which contains a subtraction, the subsumed subtrahend subtracts from the overall subtraction" ...

14:02 In the Antebellum South, Racism was arguably internalised by lots of Black people.

That's part of why in American English "Negro" is perceived as a slur, as a way of marking inferiority of them.

Such a thing is known as the Stockholm Syndrome. You also find it in lots of Pariahs in India, and in lots of Mental Patients.

When lots of a certain class that's targetted are so Stockholmised they confirm the stereotype, a majority population that's prejudiced risks to have the prejudices confirmed.

If the statements of racists had been ontologically true, it is less certain that racism as a type of action would have been morally reprehensive. The point is, the Antebellum South had its collective moral delusions bolstered by delusions about fact. And those in turn bolstered by a collective Stockholmisation.

17:22 You are presuming it happened the way it is told. Have you gone through the truth claims involved and how they are supported or not, or is it just a prejudice?

Introducing: The Wisdom Society
Daily Dose Of Wisdom | 6 June 2024

I'm so sorry you are including the old-earther and casual bit still anti-Catholic John Lennox, and even worse, the somewhat fanatic old-earther Hugh Ross in your wisdom club.

Someone seems to have made an objection, to my first, and then withdrawn it:

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