Thursday, September 19, 2024

Jerry Bergman and Don Budinsky Wrong in their Response to Gutsick Gibbon

Neanderthals Destroy Young Earth Creation? Responding to the Critics
Standing For Truth | 19.IX.2024

5:36 As a YEC I am appalled at being represented by Jerry Bergman after he said we have not one Neanderthal skeleton!

In El Sidrón, Spain, we have twelve Neanderthal skeleta, not all adults. We know from their dental calculus they were vegetarians. They loved pine nuts. From some place in Belgium, we have Neanderthals with another diet. Including woolly rhino and human flesh.

What does a divergence between vegetarianism (sometimes with pescetarianism) and cannibalism suggest? Vegetarians suggest just pre-Flood men, before Genesis 9:2. Cannibals suggest unjust pre-Flood men, like Genesis 6:11.

My countryman Svante Pääbo sequenced a Neanderthal genome, from El Sidrón, I think. Only 30 % of Neanderthal specific genes survive, man today typically ha no more than 5 % in a given individual. Y-chromosomes and mitochondria do not survive. The Ark would be the perfect bottleneck to lose those. If a daughter in law of Noah had a Neanderthal father, she could not transmit any Y-chromosome, and if she had a mother in the Homo sapiens sapiens type, the mitochondria she transmitted would not be Neanderthal ones.

"The reality is we don’t know what Adam and Eve looked like, nor do we know exactly what Noah and his family looked like. They may have looked closer to the Heidelbergensis phenotype."

I would say no. Heidelbergians and Antecessors of Atapuerca have so much the same morphology that some have classified Antecessors as Heidelbergians. Svante Pääbo (again) sequenced the Antecessor genome and was surprised at how close it was to the Denisovan one, despite (on his Deep Time views) the long distance in time between them.

I would say Noah was what people call Homo sapiens sapiens, and that he was tenth from Adam, so pretty close to his genome. I would say Heidelbergian and Neanderthal genomes arose partly by longer distance in generations, partly by Nephelim admixture (perhaps Heidelbergian / Denisovan are pure Nephelim).


"If Noah and his family were morphologically heterogenous or diverse, then the features seen in robust humans and modern extant humans can be explained. Yes--Neanderthals are highly inbred and contain many stretches of DNA that are homozygous. This doesn't mean Noah and his family were homozygous. A small group probably broke off from the human population (that was largely heterozygous) shortly after the Flood (or at Babel). From there, they become isolated, inbred, and homozygous."

Post-Babel Neanderthals ... no thanks.

The YOUNGEST carbon dated Neanderthal is dated to 42 000 years old.

Meanwhile, you pretend that the Ziggurat of Eridu (dated to 5000 BC, in carbon dates) could be the Tower of Babel.

So, Babel was in your view (Ussher) something like 101 to 200 after the Flood, that itself 2350 sth BC?

2249 to 2150 BC, carbon levels gave nearly 3000 extra years, so were presumably c. 70 pmC, but some time after that, let's say 200 years after that, 1950 BC, contemporary with Abraham, a Neanderthal dies, is now dated to 42 000 years old, that means he had 38 000 extra years, so he lived in an environment with 1.008 pmC? How does carbon 14 sink in the atmosphere from 70 to 1 pmC in 200 years?

By contrast, if I make the Neanderthals actually older, and admit Göbekli Tepe as the City of Babel, older in carbon dates, we get up from 1.008 pmC or even a bit higher at an unspecified date before the Flood, so before 2957 BC, and when Babel begins 350 years after the Flood, a 2607 BC dated as 9500 BC implies 43 pmC, and the rise involves a so much faster production in carbon 14 that the number of ionising particles would be part of the explanation for the Ice Age.

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