Friday, February 28, 2025

Answering Ray Comfort, Part I of the video on Bergoglio's Near Death (There May Be No Part 2)

Am I a Catholic? Yes. · Against Protestant Propaganda · Answering Ray Comfort, Part I of the video on Bergoglio's Near Death · A Catholic Wanted to Concede Too Much

The Pope’s Frightening Near Death Experience
Living Waters | 28 Febr. 2025

No, he's not as Catholic as you can get, he's not Catholic and therefore not the Pope.

Or, at least up to the Near Death experience, not sure of latest updates.

In any case. He was a very good friend with the Anglican "bishop" (Anglicans don't have Apostolic succession, except some very few who got it from the Orthodox), Tony Palmer, and gave him the burial reserved for a Catholic bishop. If he had died first, he'd have been content for Palmer to bury him as an Anglican "bishop" ... that's a very far call from "as Catholic as you can get" ...

0:45 Jesus had people who could perform levirate for Him if He died without children.

Presumably one did, with someone designated as His widow, doesn't mean He was married to someone other than the Church and doesn't mean the person performing levirate was a son of the Virgin Mary.

But given the terms of the law, it makes sense if the nearest of kin to do that, like some would say sons of St. Joseph in the first marriage, some would say first cousins, children of a sister of the Blessed Virgin, would be called "brothers" and their full sibling sisters in analogy therewith His "sisters" ...

1:13 A baby can have the habitual virtue of faith infused by God.

1:31 What was the citation again?

O taste, and see that the Lord is sweet: blessed is the man that hopeth in him.
[Psalms 33:9]

If you ask me, that's a prophecy about the Eucharist. It is also a sin to partake of the Eucharist without Faith, Hope and Charity, so the second part of the verse is perfectly in harmony with this being a prophecy about the Eucharist.

1:43 Well, yes, the priests does this, namely says it's the Body of Christ, citing Christ's own words, participating in Christ's omnipotence for the purpose, in remembrance of His death on the Cross.

This is why he (acting in the person of Christ) makes Jesus present, separately both as body, where there was bread, and as blood, where there was wine. Now, Christ is risen, the whole living Christ is present, the blood, the soul, the divinity are present with the body in the Host, the body, the soul, the divinity are present with the blood in the chalice, but from the direct effect of the words ("ex vi verborum") it's the body present here, the blood present there, because they were also separated on Calvary.

And like the Mass contains the victim of that Sacrifice, it also contains the Sacrifice it commemorates. Every Mass does that. A particular Mass can commemorate something in the Gospel readings or the date, but every Mass is, as Mass, commemorating Our Lord's Sacrifice on Calvary. Once the priest is saying those words, the theme of the date is a secondary matter to that. That's why no actual Mass is celebrated on Good Friday.

1:49 No, it's not Communion, not the taking of the Sacrament, but the Consecration, in the words of Jesus, which the Apostles were told to do in remembrance of Him. "do this" doesn't refer to "do what I told you to do" but "do what I just did" ...

1:56 Jesus was with them, they were even so eating His flesh and drinking His blood.

Arguing otherwise is to argue that He couldn't both be held by God in existence as Man, and be God, holding Himself into existence as God.

This kind of argument against the Real Presence is actually even an argument against the Incarnation.

If you want to go where Muslims go, up to you, I prefer going to Heaven. And believe what Jesus said.

3:02 She was already born again, through water and Spirit, when she was sth like 8 days old (if they followed the older custom).

3:49 If she's a LaVeyan Satanist, she is arguably sinning against the commandments of the first tablet.

Meanwhile, does your book* preach Geocentrism as an evidence for God?

Considering Romans 1, it should.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and injustice of those men that detain the truth of God in injustice Because that which is known of God is manifest in them. For God hath manifested it unto them For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable
[Romans 1:18-20]

What is both revealed from Heaven, a thing that's made and clearly seen since the creation of the world, and available back in the first century as proof of God?

It's not the flagellum of the bacterium. I do not doubt it proves God, but it was not available in the first century.

It's not the spiral galaxies that are "very far" ... first, as a Geocentric, I don't believe "parallax" should be called that, it's a misanalysed part of the proper movement performed by an angel, just as retrogrades for planets are proper movements performed by angels, so I don't believe in the distance. They are just smaller than the Spiral Nebula of Andromeda, not further off. But second ... supposing modern cosmology were correct, it was not known in the first century and images of those "very far" spiral "galaxies" were not available since the creation of the world either.

Before you object to anything ... do you believe in God, or do you believe in God?

Or, perhaps, don't you believe in God?

5:49 Purgatory in the Bible.

II Maccabees 12.46 It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.

* Scientific Facts in the Bible

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