Monday, February 24, 2025

Ecumenism, No Thanks (Not Open Table)

Catholic Evangelism sells itself too cheaply in London. Bishop Barron and Open Table Communion?
Catholic Unscripted | 23.II.2025

Horace wasn't Homer and I'm not Robert Barron.

Nevertheless, "indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus" said good Horace.

I've sometimes had occasion to call Robert Barron the Robber Baron of Theology. Happy he has gone somewhat more quiet about defending Evolution since those days.

[tried to add, unsuccessfully, which shows I'm censored again, the following, see image]

For myself, I could have made more impact if I hadn't been artificially held down by voyeurs who remark that I drink alcohol at all or that some nights haven't been perfectly chaste (I've not gone out of my way to show it, some have gone out of theirs to watch), or who listen carefully when I say "merrrrde" when an umpteenth passer by hits that iron grid around the base of the tree and wakes me up or prevents me from falling asleep.

And the kind of Catholics who have been willing to defend "Pope Francis" as being Pope by welcoming such witnesses.

18:14 Some Protestants still do believe in the Real Presence.

I did.

I accidentally found out that some of my then fellow Lutherans didn't by the fact that when I argued for a literal understanding of the creation days, he answered I could as usefully and intelligently argue for a literal understanding of Matthew 26:26.

Which had some things to do with my decision, immediately, to stick to High Church men who were sooner or later joining the Catholic Church (hasn't happened collectively speaking) and later on, my decision for an individual conversion as opposed to waiting for Church union.

18:43 I actually believed that, and I simply found Luther's preference for Consubstantiation over Transsubstantiation or even for "in, sub et cum pane" very off-putting. One of the things to get fixed on that future day of Church Union (which hasn't come). This may be my bad memory and self flattery.

I had gone to a Catholic school in Austria, in 3rd and 4th grade. I even believed the papacy in some sense (and that it was conferred in John 21 with "pasce oves meas"), and my defense of the Deformation was pretty parallel to my later defeinse of Lefebvrism. To put it in Mgr Marcel's words: "obedience was good when the popes were good" and I, very erroneously, believed Leo X was a bad pope.

The one thing that was really news to me, when I actually converted, was the Sacrifice of the Mass. Jesus is offering to the Father on every altar (where He is truly present in a valid mass) the same thing He offered on Calvary. That I was not aware of. I may have been aware of some garbled version of it, but not in these terms. And that's why I can't go back to CoS even if there are clergymen who believe the Real Presence.

more and 19:11 more I see the point of the Latin Mass which is which which has which safeguards the Transcendence and the 19:17 miraculous because one of the tragedies that's happened is the way in which the Novus Ordo has developed during my 19:23 lifetime the Novus Ordo developed and then the anglicans developed they moved out of Cranmer and copied the Novus Ordo 19:30 so that the liturgy is almost identical and what this does is it gives a cosmetic appearance that we're talking about the 19:36 same thing so no wonder the silly Anglicans dear things imagine there there's almost no difference because 19:43 when they come to a liturgy in the Novus Ordo Well bar a couple of words and the 19:48 fact that the orders of the priests are valid the Catholics and they're not as anglicans and bar a couple of prayers 19:56 for of the intention of changing the substance it looks exactly the same

Are you sure the Novus Ordo and the new Pontifical are actually from the Catholic Church?

see Protestants are taught to to react to a number of things like for 32:39 example ainus and Aristotle so as a Protestant one of the ways in which we we come to transubstantiation is say 32:46 silly medieval Catholics they're trying to explain the inexplicable how do they do it oh they go to Aristotle well 32:52 that's a bit silly isn't it and then and then ainus goes to Aristotle so aquinus takes these sophisticated ideas nothing 32:59 to do with the New Testament nothing to do with the Holy Spirit we get a mixture of aquinus and Aristotle and and and 33:05 medieval o over something or other and um and it's it's too prescriptive in 33:10 anyway who can believe any way that accidents stay as they are and substance changes this is this is kind of a mental 33:17 gymnastics it's just typical of the Scholastics

You have just spelled out why I dread going back to Sweden, where, barring my return to Novus Ordo, which won't happen, I would be shoved together with people who think like that, and who would be far better equipped to treat me like a madman than they are in France.

35:03 One thing to actually do on Galileo would be to tell how even to this day, there is no actual proof of Heliocentrism (even in the relative sense, with "our Solar System" not being unique).

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