Wednesday, February 5, 2025

I'm Sober. I Use Alcohol with Moderation. I Am Not a Prophet in the Naaman or Monastic Sense. I Dread Those Who Don't Get That

Apart from that, the video is decent for someone taking "Francis" as Pope.

My Distorted Perspective
Brian Holdsworth | 5 Febr. 2025

What would you do, if you knew for a fact you were not alcoholic, if you had recurrent health issues where alcohol is a boon (as disinfectant and as diuretic, mainly the latter), and lots of people around you concluded you were alcoholic?

By the way, you have used the word prophet very loosely. Not the sense in which a prophet is obliged to take no money, like Elisaeus who excommunicated his servant for taking gifts from Naaman. I would be very angry if I found out lots of Catholics were stamping me as an alcoholic. But I would also be angry if I found out one were treating me, behind my back, without my permission, with only indirect consequences seen before me, as a prophet.

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