Saturday, February 1, 2025

Is Islam a Threat to Converts?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Is Islam a Threat to Converts? · New blog on the kid: Repatriating Me to Sweden Would be Inhuman

Check this screenshot of a video featuring a screenshot of a Hadith:

It obviously is not applied to people who change their religion from something else to Islam.

But it is also not stating explicitly it only applies to people changing their religion from Islam to something else.

In 2004, while getting from Denmark to Spain for the Pilgrimage of Santiago, I met a Muslim who offered me a chicken. It was in Germany.

While I ate, we had a conversation, and we came across two topics where we definitely disagreed. As I was eating, I did not have very good opportunity to enter the debate.

  • He wondered about my long fingernails. I said I had been picking strawberries, they were for nipping them off at the green stalk just a half centimetre outside the berry. He criticised the procedure, why couldn't one just as well take just the berry and leave the green part out? Well, the thing is, once you pick out the green thing in the berry, the strawberry starts to degrade. If you want to be able to sell the berry the next morning in the shop, you absolutely need to leave that green part in. Perhaps I had no occasion to say this, because I was eating, perhaps I didn't get through. To him I was simply a man with dirty fingernails, making a bad excuse, and who had no real claim on dignity in face of him, since I had accepted the offer from him.
  • I told him part of my story and also I had converted from Protestantism to Catholicism. That is bad he said. He refered to above Hadith. This was a shocker to me. I was not aware there were Muslims who thought they could meddle about conversions when both the from and the to are outside Islam.

What is the video citing this Hadith?

The Islamic Reformation Is Here—and You Won't Like It
Raymond Ibrahim | 31 Jan. 2025

Now, one way in which Muslims and Jews would get people out of a (realistic or basically impossible to carry out) death penalty for becoming Christian would be to extend the excuse of folly. I would consider that part of the people who have followed me in ways that at meast mimic psychiatry have been carrying out that kind of superiority complex of at least Muslims, maybe Jews too, against a Christian they liked to look down on./HGL

Oh, there were things I needed to answer in it too:

3:40 "just like their Christian Protestant counterparts once did"

That's heavily overdoing the role of Scriptural literalism in the Reformation.

3:52 Luther did not align anything strictly with Scripture.

He was more than willing to attack Scripture when it contradicted him.

II Maccabees teach Purgatory? "Not canonic"
Epistle of James teaches salvation by works? "Straw epistle"

Luther was not a proponent of Scriptural strictness, he was a proponent of exegetical playing fast and loose.

5:24 The New Testament actually does not preach tolerance for all and by all Christians.

It also does not preach peace in all circumstances.

And by the way, tolerance and peace were also not results of Luther's Reformation.

5:32 The New Testament doesn't require Apostates to be punished other than by excommunication.

But also does not forbid it.

In other words, laws like those applied when people born to Catholic families became Albigensians or Calvinists are not in contradiction with the New Testament. They are also not required by it, the early Christians were in no such position, and Catholics today are also not in such a position.

Prior to 2004 I may have joined the rally cry "bring back the Inquisition" ... when in Spain in 2004, I learned they were introducing gay marriage. Well, that means, it is too late for the Inquisition to do any good. I said as much in 2013 in a blog post still available.

[Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera: I do not agree with religious liberty in all cases for all religions
samedi 27 juillet 2013 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 06:09

7:21 You have very well described the actual upshot of the Reformation.

a) we no longer feel tied to the Magisterium or Church Fathers, but we still feel bound to the Bible on every issue, and we persecute (and "every issue" only applies when Luther or Calvin or someone else didn't say otherwise or mistranslate)
b) we don't feel tied to the Bible on all issues, we must show some tolerance between Protestants so we can persecute Catholics
c) we don't feel tied to the Bible on pretty much any issue really, but we can't tell the people that
d) we don't feel tied to the Bible on any issue and we do tell the people that.

That's the real result of the Reformation. Some Evangelicals are a fortunate byproduct, as different from the typical product as rapacious bird's wings on a leopard's back are from leopard heads. (If you want to know my enumeration of the leopard heads, the spiritual components are Rabbinic Judaism, Islam, Protestantism and (at least Theistic) Freemasonry).

Are Religious Christians Likely to be Terrorists?

Breivik and the Christchurch killer are Secularists.

Putting So-Called 'Christian' Terrorists to the Duck Test
Raymond Ibrahim | 16 Jan. 2025

Links to:

The Truth about the (Muslim) Murderer of Three British Children
08/07/2024 by Raymond Ibrahim

Five Reasons Why the ‘Christian’ Child Stabber in France May Really Be ‘Muslim’
06/09/2023 by Raymond Ibrahim

Is Calvinism Halfway Between Catholicism and Secularism?

Calvinism Distorts Reality
Embracing Tradition | 31 Jan. 2025

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