Monday, February 24, 2025

Devious Tactics, To Say the Least

My comment was immediately censored. Probably not by Anthony Stine.

Vatican Exposes Ongoing Marian "Miracle" As Fraudulent
Return To Tradition | 24.II.2025

I think this airing of the video one hour ago was not the first.

I also think that I had commented on the previous one, and published a link to your video with my comments.

Now, I search for that post, it seems to have gone down.

It is a VERY serious thing to allege about someone else he's an alleged seer who needs to be tested for truth or falsehood of the prophecy, when that someone is actually a blogger who doesn't pretend to be a seer.

Don't take this down.

But if you do, don't try to get my copy off my blog. You have no valid copyright reason to erase a post where I link to your video and also show the comments I made.

Catholics have either been principal or accessory to Swedish shrinks, for years on end, and for years on end, it has deprived me of the readers who would have published on paper, gaining money for themselves and also for me.

The LEAST I can accuse Catholics like you of is passivity.

I am a Catholic, and Catholics have helped all the Anticatholic rabble there is to either make me their piñata (to borrow an image from Robert Sungenis) or to look good by comparison, as the ones helping me out while Catholics stand aside.

We are NOT united about who is the Pope. That does not equate to Protestantism. If you try to pretend it does, if you try to write Pope Michael I and his successor Michael II off as Protestants or to do so with me adherring to them, that is simply the tactics of the devil, who was a liar from the beginning.

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