"Jews For Jesus Is DECEPTIVE" | Our REACTION
SO BE IT! | 24 Febr. 2025
1:36 Nearly all Non-Denominationals are de facto Baptists, i e think that only explicit believers can be baptised.
This is a bit like a Non-Denominational more or less accepting the label Baptists and objecting to the term Protestant, even if they:
- do not believe that Jesus is present Body and Blood in the Eucharist
- do not believe He is made present or makes Himself present in Holy Mass which is a Sacrifice
- do not believe you have to have a succession of ordinations from the Apostles to be able to say Mass
which are the essential definitions of Protestant. Some would say "sola fide justification" but that would limit Protestants to the ones who inherit Free Grace theology from the Reformers
- Ivor Kovac
- @ivorkovac303
- They are not Protestants, they are Anabaptists.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- @hglundahl
- @ivorkovac303 Which is a version of Protestants.
4:00 A compliment, and so not true (as Merry said when Frodo was called a Brandybuck).
A standard Christian is a Catholic. And the oldest population of Jewish Catholics are the Christian Palestinians (except those who are Orthodox).
But I'm happy you are striving for it.
6:27 Catholics teach the Torah remains valid as to spiritual meaning, even in ritual laws.
The ban on shatnets means, I cannot mix Hebrew truth with Pagan error (also known as Heresy) and the ban on boiling the kid in the milk of its she goat mother is a prophecy that the ultimate Scape Goat, Jesus, would not be killed as a babe, despite Herod trying his worst.
Something a bit more interesting than the Rabbinic interpretation which could be resumed in the Kosher Cheeseburger. There are two types of Kosher Cheeseburger: the Cheeseburger without the cheese, and the Cheeseburger without the burger. I think I prefer the Catholic interpretation.
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