A running comment on the following video:
Jacobitism & Freemasonry
Tumblar House | 22.III.2019
1:23 The Swedish branch of masonry may be very fascinating, but it's also why I had to leave Sweden.
2:09 Gustav III was perhaps "fascinating," but two things:
- 1) he was more or less heretical in his own rite (! sorry for pun, too tired to resist!) as being involved with Enlightenment, while this was advantageous for Catholics and Jews, it was bad on other fronts. Christmas and Easter and Pentecost, already reduced from 12 days and octaves to four days at Reformation were reduced to two days;
- 2) he despised Masons as being mystagogues, and he mocked his younger brother, later the usurper Charles XIII for it, and this guy is important in Swedish masonry.
2:26 Wait, did you claim one could be Catholic and Swedish rite Mason?
I don't think this is true.
I most certainly do think Swedish rite Masons should leave the lodge if the convert to Catholicism.
I also don't know where you get the info from, it could be corruption post Vatican II.
I'm not against all the cultural influence of Freemasons, I for instance enjoy Bo Setterlind, a poet and a Mason, but I think he would have been much better off outside the lodge and inside the Church.
2:48 I am not quite clear, were you saying on part of Masonry, converts to Catholicism are required to leave, while Swedish rite doesn't?
On part of the Church, it should be the same.
6:00 As having seen a lexicon of freemasonry, and I was not under any oath, nor have I joined a lodge since, I can tell you some more things that are not quite secret. A claim to continue the work of King Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff.
A claim of secret continuity - not quite dissimilar to some Ruckmanites and such who will claim the Church Christ founded was in 11th C partly extant as a secret society (!) of Culdees (it is actually the Irish word for monk, monks, man/men of God).
Obviously, they claim to have remained grosso modo secret up to the time of Anderson in 1717.
I was a bit apprehensive of post 1717 on my main blog, shouldn't such a Masonic number rather include a denunciation of freemasonry? Well, the thing is, better things happened too, like the birth of Maria Theresia, in that year.
7:50 Before election (supposed such) of "dear Holy Father" he was a clergyman (validly or not) in Buenos Aires, he was honorary member of Buenos Aires Rotary club (which also has dangeours public parts) and while laymen are not excommunicated for being Rotarians, clergy are.
What I see as extremely dangerous with Rotarians is, they can "run business" in the same sense that Medieval Town councils ran business, insofar as all guilds were responsible to the Town Council. They had the weight on which you weighed the baker's bread.
Modern Capitalism has no such system in government.
Some franchising companies have it internally - like someone at McDonald's franchise owner is telling all McDonald restaurants all over the world exactly how many minutes a hamburger needs to frie, and how long an employee is allowed to take between taking it off the grill and handing it over to those serving it, wrapped up in paper. With all the bread, ketchup, onion, lettuce and tomatoes.
But business overall doesn't have this. However, Rotary can act as informal "Medieval town council" ....
Some Protestants have worried about guilds fulfilling Apocalypse 13:17.
But guilds were local, and where Jews were tolerated, they were allowed to have their business outside the Catholic guilds.
Now take Rotary. It is called Rotary International. I think it is, at least. Then take the fact, unlike Medieval guilds, it is aconfessional. This means, you cannot really opt out of Rotary because of your confession. It depends on how much it really controls business, but as it is filling a vacuum, arguably it can have partly very strong control over some.
I think somehow a comment here got deleted.
This reminds me of why exactly I unfriended Charles Coulombe on FB a few years ago. He had invited me to join international fight/war against paedophilia. I refused, as the word is in fact used about relations that should be legal. Marie Antoinette married at 14 would in Sweden, to Swedish masons, and arguably to lots of Rotarians, count at least as close to being a paedophile victim. The mother of St Francis of Sales would count as one, also married at 14 to a decades older man. Is Charles Coulombe still in the Masonic (and definitely not Catholic) ideal about age parity and about not marrying till years after the canonic limit of age? Or was it done locally by the internet provider? The follow up comment was, namely, about Rotary arranging teen swaps across countries for language studies, years abroad, and how their conditions were too Puritan on two fronts:
I could add, this is presented as being "a moral rolemodel". I repeat, some of this paedagic or educational slant is definitely part of what is really wrong with Rotarians and Freemasons, and definitely in too much public. It reminds of Muslims and Mormons insofar as alcohol is concerned, as well as of Methodists, and it reminds of Methodists insofar as young marriages are concerned. |
8:26 "conduct over Creed"
Guess what certain Mason or close to Mason types would have been badgering me about in Sweden?
The tolerance of a Mason converting to Catholicism, if real, would examplify their ideal of "conduct over Creed"
I think a comment may have been deleted here too.
I mentioned the moving pictures adaptations of Narnia. The Magician's Nephew - not adapted The Silver Chair - adapted only in BBC The Last Battle - not adapted. Could be these too much defy the "conduct over creed" ideal. MN condemns mortals using magic and condemns moral relativism, also features a Creation story. SC has a major turning point of the plot as adhering to "the four signs" given by Aslan to define their assignment and as continuing to believe there are: sky (not visible in netherworld), sun (not visible in netherworld), Aslan and Narnia. It relies on credal points as major guides to correct conudct. LB obviously condemns, very hard, any kind of syncretism. |
10:39 Speaking of fragile things, I am rather fond of my essays on my blogs, I think they would be somewhat less fragile if they were also printed on paper ...
In 2008-2009 I had got the message that MSN Groups were closing down.
I was not given sufficient time on computers (in Carpentras) to effectively manually one by one copy paste thread after thread from MSN Group Antimodernism to blogs, or even to save all threads on webcitation.
I had on FB befriended a man who said he would do it for me, when a bit later I asked, he said he hadn't understood what I was asking of him - and it turned out he was a freemason.
12:09 Speaking of coming to pass ...
Is there anything reminding anyone of a flying scroll, with the image of a woman anywhere?
Are anyone's houses being burned by it for stealing?
- 1) Satellites do contain information (scroll), they do fly, they do transmit images, often of women.
- 2) You can get an account (a kind of electronic "house" if you will) deleted, this happens by fire, if electricity counts as that, and one offense for which you can get an account deleted is "copyright infringement".
My nightmare for internet "apocalypse" is, more and more power to moderators. More and more people allowed to shut down more and more accounts for smaller and smaller offenses.
However, the actual size of satellites seems not quite to match the proportions of that Biblical prophecy.
Satellite bodies might be considered too small, satellite antennas too big.
Could be about a media satelite not yet launched, though.
[Accounts usually have "home pages" and the concept in Hebrew involves "beth" which means "house", see images below.]

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