Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Will Fr. Tamayo Rodríguez accept Pope Michael II?

Now, Anthony Stine's reporting may be inaccurate, when he basically says that Fr. José Pablo de Jesús Tamayo Rodríguez lives off a pension and will now loose it. As the diocese expressly told faithful not to attend his Masses, this means that he's arguably making a living as active priest, even at age 81.

Bishop Brags About Kicking Elderly Priest To The Curb
Return To Tradition | 24 Dec. 2024

I disagree on one thing.

You state that a heretic non-pope can only be declared so by a member of Ecclesia docens, perhaps calling an imperfect council. I don't think this has ever been defined. The idea "prima sedes a nemine judicatur" cuts both ways. Either someone is Pope and is not judged even by an Imperfect Council. Or he isn't, and even a layman can judge him as being such.

Hence, I believe the laymen who convened in Kansas in 1990 (I think in Belvue) were in their rights (I obviously do not think Wojtyla was radically better than Bergoglio).

The question I have for you: do 7:41 you believe that if Cardinal Burke were 7:44 to convene an imperfect council with... — and 7:45 had Cardinal Mueller's support and had 7:48 whatever other Cardinals you want to 7:50 name, including maybe even some hostile 7:52 to the question, but who agreed to 7:53 participate, what do you think would 7:54 happen to them? What would Rome's 7:57 response be?

8:02 What Rome's response would be would not determine what would happen to them.

9:42 "would be excommunicated"

Only if Bergoglio has valid authority to wield excommunication. Which would be precisely what they would not be granting, precisely what Fr. José Pablo de Jesús Tamayo Rodríguez is not granting.

Whether he does or not, he's a blogger, obviously in the noble language of Castilia and of Costa Rica:

Opus Cordis Eucharistici, O. C. E.

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