Wednesday, December 4, 2024

No, I Won't Be Muslim

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: No, I Won't Be Muslim · New blog on the kid: God Doesn't Need.

Muslim Woman Confronts Christian, Then THIS Happens...
Faith Talks | 2 Nov. 2024

Has the video been shortened, while originally referencing also a debate on slavery that she lost?

[I tried to add:]

Oh, wait, here:

Cliffe: _" 'slavery is wrong' am I being 1:11 judgmental?"_

Black woman: _"Slavery is wrong. Slavery is 1:13 something that was done in the name with 1:16 the justification of Christianity"_

Part time true. She may not be aware that Protestantism was not Catholic Christianity, that Catholic Christendom was divided, that the Pope who endorsed taking slaves did so in the context of retribution against slave hunters from Africa, and then Portugal took it further, but yes, she is correct on the fact it was part time done justified by interpretations of Catholicism, and by major interpretations of Protestantism (meaning the Reformation Churches, not the Awakenings so much).

Main theme:

"if you're God I want to say if 6:39 you're truly God you can do if you're 6:42 truly God you wouldn't have to eat God 6:45 doesn't have kids God doesn't have human 6:47 humanistic I I beget God was not 6:50 begotten he doesn't beget he 6:52 doesn't I mean it's un he could take 6:55 clay he could take dirt he could take a 6:57 rib and create you don't there 's no 6:59 need for that"

I think she just replaced the Muslim replacement of the Trinity.

Or one version of it.

First, she interrupts the explanation "if you're truly God, you can do" ... what? She was saying "anything" but realised the reply could be "you mean, including to become man?"

Second, when she says there is no God for begetting, she probably means for God to have sex, but this is not how we consider the Father begets the Son from all Eternity.

Third, when she says, (basically, though she doesn't say those words, instead of begetting), she refers to the creation of Adam and Eve. And that's why God, even without Trinity wouldn't be lonely, is that it?

There may be other versions. Like "God is not love" or "God loves himself, single person" ... those other versions are perhaps not as belittling, but instead they show a pretty disconcerting "God" one cannot really trust.

The versions are, either "God needs our love" (he created so he isn't lonely), or "God neither needs nor in any other way wants our love for him" (he isn't love or loves himself as a single person).

"can you truly 7:04 explain the Holy Trinity to me just 7:06 basic English"

Actually, the Trinity, apart from being mentioned in Matthew 28:19, also is the plain English translation for "God is love"

10:50 I think Cliffe Knechtle has to accept one correction from the Muslim woman.

There are twelve verses where "children of God" are mentioned or even adressed.

Psalms 28:1, Wisdom 5:5, Wisdom 12:7, Matthew 5:9, Luke 20:36, John 11:52, Romans 8:21, Romans 9:8, Galatians 3:26, Philippians 2:15, 1 John 3:10, 1 John 5:2.

Cliffe Knechtle only referenced Galatians 3:26, basically.

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