Sunday, August 19, 2018

... on Genesis as History

These guys aren't always right, but very often:

Is Genesis poetry? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 7-05)
CMIcreationstation | 28.II.2018

Mainly agreed, my comments are a few side points, except last where disagreeing with esp. post-Flood patriarchs between Flood and Abraham cited as per Masoretic.

8:57 If you agree on long age, you probably also agree on dating, including carbon dating.

And since Abraham at age just after 75 in Genesis 13 and 14 line up with a very clearly proto-dynastic Egypt and Chalcolithic En-Gedi (thanks, Osgood!), that would date by contemporary carbon dates Abraham to c. 3000 BC, somewhat earlier if the Pharao of Genesis 13 was Narmer, while the Biblical chronology up to Joseph and Exodus and King David and so one seem set for more like 2000 BC (Roman Martyrology, LXX based, short stay in Egypt, shorter post-Flood patriarchs than standard LXX, has Abraham born in 2015 BC, so Genesis 12 would have been in 1940 BC).

The solution would seem to be, carbon 14 in Abraham's atmosphere was lower, about as now the samples from Carolingian times.

14:55 "historical overview followed by a recap"

In Apocalypse 19 and 20 we would be seeing the opposite sequence.

19 gives details from end of the world, 20 places it in Church history.

Some, however, would place the "thousand years" in 20 between 19 and end of 20.

20:58 I actually think Genesis is the first history overview in the world.

Maybe Gilgamesh or Atrahasis or Job were perhaps a century older than Moses writing Genesis. (Moses could have got Job from Raguel/Jethro).

Maybe Mahabharata was about that time (not probable, but possible).

But these are all accounts of single event clusters in the past (for pagan writings) or written down by participant (for Job), and none of them has detailed narratives spanning three centuries or more.

Genesis spans three millennia.

21:39 I checked exactitude with a more modern example.

Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : âge du monde avec Gabriel Audisio

The following not from the comment with link, but from the link, translation to the right:

Henri engendra Louis dans la 48-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut presque neuf ans, tous les ans de la vie d'Henri étaient 57 et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 37-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut presque cinq ans, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient 42 et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 24-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut presque 54 ans, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient 77 ans et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 21-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut presque 29 ans, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient de 50 ans et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 29-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut deux ans, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient de 30 ans et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 20-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut presque 45 ans, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient 65 ans et même un peu moins.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 35-ème année de sa vie, après il vécut onze ans et un peu plus, tous les ans de la vie de Louis étaient 46 ans et un peu plus.

Louis engendra Louis dans la 31-ème année de sa vie, et il vit la prise de la Bastille dans la 35-ème année de sa vie.

Entre la naissance d'Henri IV et la prise de la Bastille, faut-il prendre:

A : 57 + 42 + 77 + 50 + 30 + 65 + 46 + 35 = 402 ans?
B : 48 + 37 + 24 + 21 + 29 + 20 + 35 + 35 = 249 ans?

1789 - 1553 = 236 ans.
 Henry begot Louis in the 48th year of his life, after he lived almost nine years, all the years of Henri's life were 57 and even a little less.

Louis begot Louis in the 37th year of his life, after he lived almost five years, all the years of Louis's life were 42 and even a little less.

Louis begot Louis in the 24th year of his life, after he lived almost 54 years, all the years of Louis's life were 77 years old and even a little less.

Louis fathered Louis in the 21st year of his life, after he lived almost 29 years, all the years of life of Louis were 50 years old and even a little less.

Louis fathered Louis in the 29th year of his life, after he lived two years, all the years of life of Louis were 30 years old and even a little less.

Louis begot Louis in the 20-th year of his life, after he lived almost 45 years, all the years of Louis's life were 65 years old and even a little less.

Louis fathered Louis in the 35th year of his life, after he lived eleven years and a little more, all the years of life of Louis were 46 years old and a little more.

Louis begot Louis in the 31st year of his life, and he saw the capture of the Bastille in the 35th year of his life.

Between the birth of Henri IV and the taking of the Bastille, must we take:

A: 57 + 42 + 77 + 50 + 30 + 65 + 46 + 35 = 402 years?
B: 48 + 37 + 24 + 21 + 29 + 20 + 35 + 35 = 249 years?

1789 - 1553 = 236 years old.

Did you spot an error in the translation? This is an update two days later, btw. I did, despite very short and formulaic sentences : "après" is translated as the preposition "after" instead of as the adverb "thereafter" or the adverbial phrase "after that" - which is what the context requires. Oh, btw, I did it by Google translate, not by hand. Also, last "236 ans" is not the age of anyone, so "236 years old" is another mistake by that machine. So much for AI!

This when Gabriel Audisio had been adding total lifespans (Adam's 930 + Seth's ... etc).

21:51 "Flood to Abraham 353 years"

Masoretic text was tampered with here, in order to pretend that Melchisedec could be Seth, ancestor of Levi, rather than a Gentile.

In Josephus, you find an addition (not from Bible text) as 353 or sth, but you find the detailed genealogy as in LXX (or one of its versions).

He had learned the LXX version by heart as Bible, but been told about the new sum of the years in synagogue, no doubt. To me, at least.

21:58 Christian scholars previous to Reformation, previous to Ussher calculated more like Creation sth like 5199 or 5500 or 5509 years BC.

The Catholic Church doesn't condemn the Ussher calculation, which agrees with Vulgate, but in Christmas litergy uses a 5199 distance from Creation to Christ.

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