Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Consequences of Creationism : Bob Trent

Consequences of Creationism : Rik Elswit and Matthew Caine · Bob Trent · Marcelus Aurelius · AFB (+ Mike Sweeney) · Peter Tatford · Michael David Griffiths · Jo Wharrier · Paulo Oliveira · The Feasibilian Project

What is the possible impact of the creationism theory to the world?

Bob Trent
Ir makes the genersl public more ignorant of science and closes off many young people from careers in science, medicine, tech..

Hans-Georg Lundahl
It would be very much more honest to say, that the establishment closes off many to carreeres in science, medicine and even for some reason tech if they are known to be creationists.

This is not a fact about the impact of creationism, the more creationists we have, the less this can go on, it’s a fact about the establishments in certain areas of learning.

Bob Trent
Careers in math are closed to those who believe 2+2=13. This is, of course, an evil practice of the closed minded mathematical establishment. Ditto the astronomical establishment and flat earthers, NASA and moon landing deniers, ….

I had understood European YECs were rare, BTW.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
How Creationists and Geocentrics fit the descriptions “believe 2+2=13” or “flat earthers” remains to be explained on your part.

Bob Trent
So you’re a geocentrist? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Anti-vaxxer, too? I left that one out.

And a follower of “Pope Michael”? It only gets better. But that only disqualifies you as a Catholic, not for the sciences, medicine, tech, etc. But every pope since Pius XII has accepted evolution in some form and popes have been heliocentrist for more than 200 years. So I guess that’s consistent in a bizarre way.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Pius VII and Gregory XVI, Leo XIII and Benedict XV have made acts taken as if heliocentrism were licit, but which, in each case, never actually stated that.

If Pius XII was no Pope or ceased to be Pope in 1950 or 1951, the sedevacancy is either way bridged. He actually very clearly did show himself Heliocentric in the allocution of 1951 as well, using a model by Hubble to prove the universe old.

Yes, I am Geocentric and Anti-vaxxer for the vaccines that use viruses cultivated on human fetal tissue.

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