Monday, October 14, 2024

I Have Some Audience in India

The Stone Age versus the Indian scriptures #stoneage #prehistory #Purana
Radha Mohan Das - Vedic Science and history | 12 Oct. 2024

Göbekli Tepe fits the Genesis narrative very well.

It's West of the mountain land called Armenia, back then Urartu or Ararat (that Ararat has since then been the name of two specific mountains is somewhat beside the point). So it fits "and they removed from the East" ...

It's just three quarters West of the North side of a very square plain, and that square plain is between Euphrates and Tigris, as is Göbekli Tepe itself.

If "Shinear" means Mesopotamia, this fits "and they found a plain in the land of Shinear" ...

In Göbekli Tepe itself, you do not find proto-writing, but things dated older in carbon dates (which I think give the actual relative dates), you find the 32 symbols discovered by Genevieve von Petzinger (and Mr. von Petzinger is such a support for her) all the way from Spain to Indonesia. Things dated younger, you do not find the 32 symbols again, and when proto-writing reappears, its different in Vinča and in Mohenjo Daro, and different again in some place in the Ukraine.

This fits the idea that at the outset "all the earth was of one language" and in the end "God confused their language" ...

If we inverse the order of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the latter fits with a story of a world wide empire gone bad, and Krishna (whom you should not call lord, by the way) died about 150 years before the Flood of Noah.

Ramayana, apart from descriptions of cities that could be based on Indian architecture known to the poets, pretty well describes a Paleolithic world which as a Creationist I would consider as post-Flood.

Mahabharata also features Bhima, a giant, and Genesis says there were giants in the time described in Genesis 6 ("and also afterwards"), so, do we find giants in what one could consider pre-Flood times? If the idea refers to muscle mass instead of tallness, the Antecessor, Heidelbergian, Neanderthal populations, as well as the probably dumbed down Homo erectus soloensis population could fit that description more or less.

A quibble about the Yugas, I think the order is Satya, Dvarpa, Treta, Kali, , since Dvarpa seems related to "two" and Treta basically transscribes "third / tertius / trecias" and so on.

Analysing ' Jesus Christ ' in the Bhavishya Purana - Vedic Hindu prophecy
Radha Mohan Das - Vedic Science and history | 24 Nov. 2022

Generally, Jesus went up to Heaven, He did not resettle in India.

If the apparition you spoke of had been genuinely from Him, He would not have called Earth a planet, and He would not have taken orders from that King about where to establish Himself.

7:04 Is this apparition telling the Indian king he's protecting "the earth planet"?

That makes the apparition fake or falsely transmitted.

Earth is not a planet, God knows better than being a Heliocentric.

8:19 Or their take on it.

Have any special reason to state that Jesus did not adequately establish how to transmit His correct and full message through the ensuing generations of the Church?

When you say His faith was "Judaism" that leads to an equivocation.

Second Temple Judaism? Or Judaism as so called today?

Christianity and Judaism are two contendants for being God's correct continuation of Second Temple Judaism, in both cases in a not quite identic way. As you may guess from the name, it was centred on the Second Temple, which was destroyed in AD 70.

Genesis and Moses in the Bhavishya Purana (Vedic Hindu prophecy)
Radha Mohan Das - Vedic Science and history | 17 Dec. 2022

1:01 I'd heavily disagree on all of them becoming Mlecchas (which I presume means non-Indians).

From Adam and Eve, there was a just line by Seth and an evil line (at least often seen so) by Cain.

Each of them contains one Henoch.

Henoch the Cainite may or may not himself have founded a city, but he became eponymous founder of a city as his father Cain decided so.

Henoch the Sethite was taken up, because he pleased God.

The story of Bharat in the Mahabharata is a conflation of both Henochs. While the pre-Flood world's Cainite or Nodian Empire is genealogically equally distant from all post-Flood men, it was taken up as a choice memory by some of them, like probably already from the time of Regma (whom you call Rama and you shouldn't call lord). Probably he turned away from Nimrod (whom I presume to be Hanuman) when he started to build Babel, because he wanted to remember him with more gratitude. And in order to forget about Babel, Hindus later put the time of Rama 10 000 years before the time of Krishna (probably Jubal or Yuval, who is mentioned as a musician). And the flood along with that. And they forgot about things at Babel or anywhere west of India until the Aryans and later the Greeks arrived.

And this isolation helped them to keep the illusion of Rama coming 10 000 years before Krishna instead of Yuval dying 150 years before the Flood and Regma getting help from Nimrod perhaps 250 years after the Flood.

3:41 I highly prefer the Biblical proportion of 300 cubits, 50 cubits and 30 cubits.

A cubit being c. 1.5 to 2 feet.


Because, I have calculated the rolling period, supposing the weight was somewhat evenly distributed in the Ark and supposing the waterline was halfway up, as is pretty usual with boats. A rolling period of 11~12 seconds would have made for comfort, like a passenger ship.*

I don't know what the rolling period would be with feet instead of cubits, but I fear it would be shorter and more akin to a freighter's rolling period.

4:45 You are looking for the wrong flood.

Noah's Flood was 2957 BC, but would be dated to 39 000 BP in carbon dates.

It was global, and the palaces of Mahabharata kings could be buried below the Himalayas, which rose after the Flood.**

5:22 The Matsya Purana was, as said, pre-posing the Flood of Noah back in time, in order to be able to pre-pose Ramayana events way back too, in order to allow Regma to forget the sins of Nimrod after having received his help.

Here is Jasher 7*** (admittedly a very late work as we have it now), saying about the early carreere of Nimrod:

28 And when Ham begat his first born Cush, he gave him the garments in secret, and they were with Cush many days.
29 And Cush also concealed them from his sons and brothers, and when Cush had begotten Nimrod, he gave him those garments through his love for him, and Nimrod grew up, and when he was twenty years old he put on those garments.
30 And Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the earth, yea, he was a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Lord.
31 And Nimrod strengthened himself, and he rose up from amongst his brethren, and he fought the battles of his brethren against all their enemies round about.
32 And the Lord delivered all the enemies of his brethren in his hands, and God prospered him from time to time in his battles, and he reigned upon earth.
33 Therefore it became current in those days, when a man ushered forth those that he had trained up for battle, he would say to them, Like God did to Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter in the earth, and who succeeded in the battles that prevailed against his brethren, that he delivered them from the hands of their enemies, so may God strengthen us and deliver us this day.
34 And when Nimrod was forty years old, at that time there was a war between his brethren and the children of Japheth, so that they were in the power of their enemies.
35 And Nimrod went forth at that time, and he assembled all the sons of Cush and their families, about four hundred and sixty men, and he hired also from some of his friends and acquaintances about eighty men, and be gave them their hire, and he went with them to battle, and when he was on the road, Nimrod strengthened the hearts of the people that went with him.
36 And he said to them, Do not fear, neither be alarmed, for all our enemies will be delivered into our hands, and you may do with them as you please.
37 And all the men that went were about five hundred, and they fought against their enemies, and they destroyed them, and subdued them, and Nimrod placed standing officers over them in their respective places.
38 And he took some of their children as security, and they were all servants to Nimrod and to his brethren, and Nimrod and all the people that were with him turned homeward.
39 And when Nimrod had joyfully returned from battle, after having conquered his enemies, all his brethren, together with those who knew him before, assembled to make him king over them, and they placed the regal crown upon his head.

One of the brothers he defended would have been Regma:

And the sons of Chus: Saba, and Hevila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons of Regma: Saba and Dadan Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty on the earth
[Genesis 10:7-8]

7:37 When it comes to Aristotle claiming Hebrews migrated from India, I'd like a reference.

Would it have been the Organon? Or the Politics?

* Creation vs. Evolution: Rolling Period of Ark?
lundi 27 août 2018 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 08:24

** Creation vs. Evolution: Himalayas ... how fast did they rise?
vendredi 22 mai 2020 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 07:39


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