Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Important Distinction, Possibly Important Warning

Why The Whore Of Babylon Can Not Be The Catholic Church
I Miss Christendom | 5 March 2025

It [she] can certainly NOT be the Catholic Church.

But it can be sth that people are taking for the Catholic Church.

5:39 Preterism and Babylon = Jerusalem up to AD 70 seems to be favoured by Trads these days, but do you have any Patristic or Scholastic support?

Quite a lot seem to think of Pagan Rome, including Rome returned to Paganism in the end times.

I just checked that in the Haydock comment.

On the Antichrist, his being of the Tribe of Dan, accepted by the Jews, that seems to be supported by only part of the Fathers, according to, I think, Witham.

5:54 If the Catholic Church is the New Jerusalem, the end times harlot can be an Apostatic perversion of Catholicism.

Plus, earthly Jerusalem of the end times seems to be called rather "spiritually Sodom and Egypt".

6:27 Why would there be even a problem of St. John being in the 90's?

Moses was 120-ish when he wrote most of Deuteronomy (last chapter written by Joshua).

Lou Lasher
Not his age, the year he wrote it.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@loulasher In context, the problem given in the video for the year is precisely his age.*

6:48 I'd agree we are after (most of) the Millennium. However, Apoc. 19 doesn't happen before the Millennium, it's a parallel view on some verses in Apoc. 20. That''s how St. Austin takes it in The City of God.

If we take the medium reign in Heaven of St. Stephen proto-martyr and Sister Clare Crockett (yes, I know she was Novus Ordo, but she was also a great penitent for her misused teens), that's (1991 + 9) / 2 = 1000 years.

7:48 Why is the City not Catholic (and Orthodox) East Jerusalem?

I've located the four corners "of the earth" (i e of the mainland, as opposed to the Pacific Ocean), and they feature both Apocalypse 7 and Apocalypse 20. The locations include relatively nearby settlements of Ashkenazi Jews.

Ashkenazi Jews have patrilinear genes (Y chromosomes) from ancient Jews, and Christians count patrilinear.

Part of them have matrilinear genes (mitochondrial DNA) from East Europe. Jews count matrilinear.

I fear for those who stay Jewish and become Zionist that they will be the ones that Apocalypse 20 speak of, though they are not the only candidates.

* See transscript:

some might say there's a problem 6:01 with the Book of Revelation predicting 6:02 the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD because 6:05 it was written in 96 ad that would make 6:07 it postdiction well if it's true that 6:10 the Book of Revelation was written that 6:12 late then John probably didn't write it 6:14 because he himself would have been in 6:15 his late 80s or even 90s

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