Sunday, March 9, 2025

Marketing Questions

How to Create DEMAND Around What You Do (From a Marketing Perspective)
Lauren Erickson | 9 March 2025

Comment II

Hans-Georg Lundahl
What do I do if my competitors are interested in keeping me small?

Lauren Erickson
Identify their weaknesses and position yourself in those gaps. I'd also think about who you know how complements what you're doing or would be good to collab with. Fastest way to grow is through cross-promotion!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@ Did exactly that, see other answer.

Cross-promotion is right now a one way affair, I promote them, they bless me or feel amused, but do not reciprocate.

Comment I

Hans-Georg Lundahl
What do I do if the readers I'm actually getting are actively putting wedges between me and my goal demographic?

Lauren Erickson
Who's doing similar work as you but better? I'd consider some of the biggest differences between you and them to help you attract your target audience. Might be language, positioning, presentation, delivery style, etc.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@laurenericks0n Where did my comment go?

I answered, on Young Earth Creationism, obviously CMI and AiG are doing similar work, but they are not providing for instance a bidecadal calibration for carbon dates in Biblical chronology, and they are not providing an archaeological identity for Babel (I do, Göbekli Tepe, which gives me the carbon dates for beginning and end of the Babel event, between Noah's death and Peleg's birth).

On Geocentrism, Robert Sungenis is doing similar work.

He is however not doing angelic movers, and as a consequence posits a purely mechanistic reason for parallax, stars being tied to the Sun. Neo-Tychonian. As I posit angelic movers, I can also see the "parallax" as performed by these, and not parallactic, no clue as to trig (one angle and zero distance = no clue), and this gives me the possibility to posit the shell of fix stars one light day up, doing away with the Distant Starlight problem for a recent cosmos, and also allowing Heaven where we hope to go, where Jesus is reigning, to be coordinates of Jerusalem one light day up.

I am dealing massively with readers who refuse to hand me on to people who might really be interested, at least it has been the case for very long.

Illustration of my actual readers cutting me off from those who would be interested:

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