Saturday, March 15, 2025

Troy Existed, the Trojan War Happened

If you check the details of the video, it may seem that the Trojan War as described by Homer telescopes several wars between Hittite (and post-Hittite?) Wilusans and the Ahhiyawa / Mycenaeans into one. For my part I would even have accepted the idea that details from the Hittite Egyptian conflict came into the Trojan War descriptions of Homer. But "includes details from elsewhere" while it means "didn't happen exactly as described" certainly doesn't mean "didn't happen at all" ....

Did Troy Actually Exist? Is The Iliad Real? Response To Leonidas Sparta
Metatron | 13 March 2025

Is part two coming out?

The claim that cavalry only came with Neo-Assyrian Empire had come to my attention, and that would obviously challenge the Bible as King David lived before this time.

As a Biblical Inerrancy Apologist, I obviously look forward to part two!

8:44 Were they still vassals of the Hittites?

I thought Hattusha fell 1200 BC and Troy 1179 BC.

In other words, for twenty years, Trojans had no longer been vassals of the Hittites.

Part II, as I requested him to hurry with the promise:

Hittite Army Composition Full Historical Analysis
Metatron | 14 March 2025

10:09 From my memory, the final taking of Troy would have been 1179 BC?

Hattusha fell c. 1200 (or was abandoned).

But if I got the previous video correct, there were previous wars around Wilusa that also got reflected in Homer.

I would consider the inclusion of Egypt on the Greek side as a reflection of the Battle of Kadesh.

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