Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Not a Recent-Disney Fan

All Disney films Taylor Alesia speaks of are after the ones I liked as a child.

Dark hidden messages in children’s movies
Taylor Alesia | 4 March 2025

10:40 Do you think God gave Hollywood a taste of certain elements back in January?

11:36 In my Susan fic, there is a Rabadash character, who's in a lodge of Tash (founded by a Telmarine).

He somehow gets hold of a lock of Susan's hair and draws a magic ... |...]gram?

It may please you someone rubs the [...]gram out. The ritual is never performed.*

(It's not a children's novel, and possibly not even Young Adults).

13:29 "or pray to"?

N o ...

Leviticus 19 goes like this:

Go not aside after wizards, neither ask any thing of soothsayers, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God
[Leviticus 19:31]

The Hebrew seems to have mediums for wizards and those with familiar spirits for soothsayers.

[tried** to add:]

Leviticus: al-tiphnu el ha-obot
1 Sam 28:7: baqqeshu-li eshet ba-alat-ob

So, the word in Leviticus is fully explained by the cross-reference to the "witch in Endor" and the modern word for that kind of "officiant" is medium.

Don't ask me to quote longer, I don't know Hebrew and copying the phonetic of the interlinear in a somewhat readable way is somewhat of a chore.

* I was actually imprecise about the shape. Sorcery Worketh Not is set near the end of Chronicle of Susan Pevensie where chapters are still missing. Lots of them.

** See screenshot:

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