OT Violence is NOT Going Away from Debates, and We Are NOT Allowed to Say God Didn't Order It · Innate Flaw in Jericho
Jericho’s Fall and Rahab’s Survival: Archaeological Evidence Revealed
Creation Ministries International | 15 March 2025
Well, there was indeed an innate flaw.
Jericho was founded at the time of Babel. If Babel = Göbekli Tepe, Jericho is contemporary, and someone was playing Nimrod in miniature. We actually do find baked brick in Jericho from this period, like probably as cobble stone, if I recall correctly, but still.
And this probably means, they started out very early defying God. A huge innate flaw in anything. As King Solomon noted:
Canticum graduum Salomonis. Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam. Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam.
[Psalms 126:1]
First Vespers for a Lord's Day (i e Saturday evening 18-ish / 18:30-ish) this is one of the things the Church cites from the psalms.
And sometimes, the payback time for not trusting God takes the form of a miracle, in this case a highly punitive one.
"If we get the dates right" ...
As I recall:
- the layer for the city occupation before an interruption is dated to 1550 BC
- material in the walls to c. 2200 / 2400 BC.
In my recalibration for Carbon 14, this translates to:
- Jericho was destroyed in 1470 BC, because that's 40 years after the Exodus, and the misdating by 80 years show the carbon 14 level was 99.049 pmC.
- the walls were built by older rubble, from before Moses was born:
- 1656 BC
- 91.353 pmC, dated as 2404 BC
- 1634 BC
- 93.251 pmC, dated as 2212 BC
[Noting, the info on Jericho was an anchor point, the one before that was Djoser as Joseph's pharao, his coffin is carbon dated, and the carbon levels in pmC are the levels back when the material was living, in the atmosphere:
Creation vs. Evolution: Newer Tables, Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy
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