Watch How Ungrateful These Homeless People Can Be
Matt Walsh | 12 March 2025
I have a certain feeling that:
- the two were not given a choice
- the appartment is one where neighbours are just from a certain class.
If I were deprived of liberties, even with benefits attached, I don't think I would find gratitude the most pressing thing to express.
I'd like to know what the exact conditions are, and, if they should be back on the streets for a night or not look for job, what would happen to them.
Or perhaps I wouldn't like that.
I happen to be homeless. I happen to know for a fact that a deal like theirs would make the one contribution I can definitely make to society, as a writer, far harder to provide.
I don't think their situation is exactly identic to mine. I think they had a kind of happiness, and they are being pushed to work, under, I'm not sure what, conditions, that they were not exactly free to negotiate.
I think someone's telling them "no happiness for now, work, and you may be happy later on" .... spiritually Egypt, anyone? Somewhat Communist, anyone?
4:54 I can guarantee you, someone is saying these things about me.
Someone is saying, "no, no, we must give him time, we must give him a chance" and then drawing up the steps I'm supposed to follow ...
And neither of them is more OK with me earning money as a writer, which I am a very productive one, than your sister was with giving a homeless person cash.
And someone takes for granted, if I'm long term homeless, it's because I'm addicted to drugs. I regularly see my sheets and pillows have been turned, to verify I am not hiding any drugs.
The reason I am long term homeless is people who react like YOU to long term homelessness.
I can say for one certain thing, that couple is probably as miserable in that place, and as unable to keep children if they should make them, as they were in the street.
On top of that, they now have less space than they are used to, and they have neighbours they haven't chosen.
And the people who have been offering me a chance have been very careful to use that as an alibi for why they are not offering me the chance I have asked for.
A printing press for my texts. An income from my writing.
5:16 "when you give them free housing, this is what happens"
I'm not sure whether you have seen Finland.
On the other hand, I am also not sure things are comparable, given the temperatures in Finland, and there are borders between Finland and Sicily and language barriers.
In Finland, the experience is, some homeless are getting homes and living there and continuing drug habits or alcohol habits. But some homeless are after some time also ditching them, and getting what is considered as and for some maybe is help. But obviously, there there is the cold that dissuades from getting back into the street.
5:20 They destroy it first of all ...
a) I'm not sure how recently they arrived.
b) Therefore I'm not sure how much is the problem of their doing.
And in fact, the place didn't seem destroyed by them, but it did seem crowded with lots of strangers very close on. And in some cases, they would have preferred staying strangers to them.
I'd like to know, is the place they came to a normal apartment building with families and old people and students living same stair case? Or are they forced to huddle with people who, like they, have been on the street?
I think the question is worth asking. A halfway house, and "continuity of care" is always less good than staying on the street.
In the ancient world, if you were poor, you could make yourself someone's slave. In the modern world, a man that is poor, is supposed to accept being anyone's slave who offers some kind of plan about his poverty and problems whichever they may be. Some people are not given any choice.
If you are constantly talking to the people who are running that system ... who should care what you think, except the people who would already be loyal to it without you?
5:42 You are actually speaking of a place where they are offered meals .... as in they are not doing their own cooking?
I happen to like composing my meals.
I happen to enjoy some autonomy about when and how I eat. I think you do too. I think you would go nuts if you were never supposed to pay for your food or cook your food (or have your wife do that) but uniquely supposed to get meals that were offered. Within a week or less. Perhaps some more if it were a monastic retreat, but that's not exactly the environment they were offered.
5:55 I am trying to get my texts into print, so that I can have an income, so that I can, on the free market, get an appartment.
It's not like I started yesterday. It's also not as if I were ashamed of things I wrote ten years ago or one year ago. Or as if I would be ashamed of having things I write now on printed paper a year or ten years from now.
And no, pretending that offering me a plan B to let me work first for other paymasters before ... I'm sorry, but at 56, I don't have those years to waste.
My conditions are such that you could start printing stuff I wrote tomorrow, or on Monday. You don't need extra time to verify exactly how in minute detail I want the book, my main condition is, you don't change things I wrote. You take an essay or leave it. And if for some reason the combination you chose essays in do not please me, or even if they do, you don't stop someone else from printing my stuff (even if overlapping with what you printed).
New blog on the kid: Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them
But no, that would be offering me an easy road out, and obviously to some that's the wrong thing to do, with anyone, if you were never given three Hail Mary as a penance for something really bad, or with specifically homeless, because they are another humanity.
Now, let's be precise. The conditions actually do allow you to print my stuff. Even if I just expressed despondency and mistrust about you doing it. That's not a no from me, that's not an "I'm not interested" just to be clear. What I am however very much NOT interested in is joining some programme in exchange for printing my stuff. You can relate to how this would be handicapping for a writer. "Have you read HG? He had to join a twelve step programme to get a printer, and now he did join them, we'd like to sell some of what we printed" ... doesn't sound right to you, and doesn't sound right to me neither.
Some have speculated I'm a Geocentric because I'm homeless. No. The last years, since the confinement, I have been badgered and re-badgered for consent to some kind of programme, like a supervised apartment, like a small semi-flat in a facility for homeless, like living in the same apartment as an elderly person, and it's NO. But I was far less stressed before the confinement, and I was already Geocentric. I was in fact Geocentric since way before I was homeless, respectively 24 August 2001 and March 2004. I want Geocentrism out in print, not just available on internet where google stats are not the only ones that can check whether Assorted Retorts in the last 24 hourse was read 400 page views whereof 105 (5 * 21) from the US. I want people to be able to read me on a hike with the pages tucked into their backpack. I want people to be able to exchange books or leaflets or fanzines or magazines of my texts for money without internet fact checkers checking. I want that, not just for myself, but also because Geocentrism actually reveals God the exact way I think St. Paul meant in Romans 1. And Sungenis, Geocentric as he is, isn't presenting it that way.
6:08 I am certainly not trying to GET a job. I am definitely trying to DO my job.
And my cardboard doesn't say "a coin to spare please" but, to the irritation of many, it actually spells out an URL correctly leading to one of my blogs if they bother to note or photograph the cardboard, and to type the characters into the adress bar next time they are in front of a computer.
But some guys really prefer to pry into how clean my bed is over looking at how clean my arguments are. Or to some Jews and Marxists, my arguments per definition aren't clean, because I'm Christian. To some Protestants dito, because I'm Catholic.
7:25 You can obviously die from an overdose of heroine. I don't think anyone has died from an overdose of hashish.
If you don't have a heart condition, I don't think it's likely you can overdose on coke. Not the Pennsylvanian soft drink, but the ingredient they took out of it.
If you were to ask me for a guess, I would take these two as in alcohol or hashish. And I could be wrong. But I can safely say, even a heroin addict is not too likely to overdose unless put under lots and lots of pressure. He's more likely to have to amputate a limb due to dirty needles or sth. And even that can be avoided.
107,941 drug overdose deaths reported in 2022 ... (looking it up).*
Of these only 34,022 concerned stimulants or psychostimulants (coke, meth). The vast majority, opioids ...*
I have been targetted for observation and warning about heroin since before I reached France. Somehow, I manage to give some people the vibes of a heroinist. Never tried that stuff.
If we limit abusers to take away "have used once in the lifetime" or "have used last year" and include only those who "have used last month" (supposing for most of them, the month was not unique, not that one month in the year or lifetime), and we don't look at specific drugs, here** is the total:
Among Americans aged 12 years and older, 37.309 million were current illegal drug users (used within the last 30 days) as of 2020.
So, what is the risk for a "drug abuser" to overdose?
107,941 / 37,309,000 = 0.29 %.
Is this a real issue for "if you are generous you may have killed them, because they overdose"? I mean, if all you know of someone is, he's a drug addict, or even worse, if all you know is, he's on the street so he could be a drug addict? I don't think so.
8:01 Are you one of the guys who has "worked with" homeless people?
Because, they have, while I went to day shelters, been very active in keeping me back as a writer and composer.
8:22 Thank you. Matthew 26:11.
9:57 I don't think that a hashish dealer is anything like a mass murderer, and if you want to execute dealers of drugs that do bad stuff, there are lots of shrinks to execute.
Antipsychotics are an instrument of torture and of enslavement. Remember St. Patrick's*** letter to Coroticus? That applies to Catholics who support CPS and locking people up in mental hospitals.
Heroin dealer? More possible. The police in some areas would however say they prevent murders as well.
It might actually be dealers who are trying to push the narrative I'm a drug addict ... because I'm not one of their clients.
10:21 "disincentivise homelessness" = taking away from homeless people some remaining freedoms ...
Hi Coroticus. Take a real good look at St. Patrick's letter*** to your equivalent in the 4th C or whenever it was.
"how do you disincentivize it well 10:26 you take away the freedom that he's 10:29 talking about"
I was not imagining things when I interpreted your phrase.
With my own hand I have written*** and put together these words to be given and handed on and sent to the soldiers of Coroticus. I cannot say that they are my fellow-citizens, nor fellow-citizens of the saints of Rome, but fellow-citizens of demons, because of their evil works. By their hostile ways they live in death, allies of the apostate Scots and Picts. They are blood-stained: blood-stained with the blood of innocent Christians, whose numbers I have given birth to in God and confirmed in Christ.
"you crack down in the homeless 10:54 camps"
"you 10:59 arrest them um people that set up camps 11:03 on sidewalks that that you that should11:05 not be 11:07 allowed people that do that you arrest 11:10 them you ban this kind of behavior"
And you go to Hell.
Like some other Communists over the decades. No, I don't mean Euro-Communists as much, not outside power, I mean Bolshevik actual members of administrations in Russia 1920 sth to 1990.
It's bad enough that most housing today is one in houses you don't permanently own and own the ground for, but you have to pay rent or mortgage. This puts some people out of their homes.
But if on top of that you forbid people to have their sleeping bag in places ... well, Hell is a hot place.
11:31 "then you are not serious about helping these kinds of people"
Orthanc. Where friendship means slavery and help means ruin.
Helping someone against his will is an ugly thing, and if he has committed no serious crime to merit that, sorry, that's a horrible sin.
I'm afraid of getting pushed into diabetes, by all the people who are pushing me to eat more (including by prolonging a lice infestation, fat food kills and expels lice from the inside) ... Our Lord said sth about giving food to those who are hungry. Not to those who say "no thanks" ... Money is more versatile than food that isn't packaged or canned. And even than that. And for some, getting enough alcohol to pee is a boon for sleeping to the morning.
I could time after time have done well, if I had got the exact help I asked for, a musician for my compositions, a printer and publisher for my texts, and time after time, I have been met by people with your idea what it means to "help" people.
Catholics° have pretended if I only forgave an old grudge about a particular occasion, I would be better off for eternity, but the grudge never gets old, people like you keep it fresh.
[tried to add:]
11:53 People who see me as puppy dogs are doing me less harm than people agreeing with your likes.
- @sharonlewer4088
- These two people are definitely mentally unstable. They don’t want to work……. I’m sure there are many other people that would LOVE to have this place. There should be evaluators to see who want to live in a place like this or if they don’t want to live there then let them keep living on the street.
- hans georg lundahl
- [I tried to add]
- OK, the guys pretends he would prefer this over living in the street.
He doesn't say he would chose it with the alternatives he has.
Would you?
I looked it up.°°
On-site Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) case management
Community Center/Recreation Room with pool table
In other words, it is basically a thing for people of a certain situation. They will not be enjoying normal neighbours. They will deal with handicapped neighbours.
Handicap accessible units available
Call for aid system
Reasonable Accommodations Available (Ex. Lighted doorbells for Hearing Impaired)
Matt Walsh's cancel culture ...
* U.S. Overdose Deaths, Select Drugs or Drug Categories, 1999-2022
*** ego Patricius: Letter to the soldiers of Coroticus
Manu mea scripsi atque condidi uerba ista danda et tradenda, militibus mittenda Corotici, non dico ciuibus meis neque ciuibus sanctorum Romanorum sed ciuibus daemoniorum, ob mala opera ipsorum. Ritu hostili in morte uiuunt, socii Scottorum atque Pictorum †apostatarumque†. Sanguilentos sanguinare de sanguine innocentium Christianorum, quos ego in numero Deo genui atque in Christo confirmaui!
° Or perhaps rather trans-Catholics, Catholic wannabes ...
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