Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Once Upon a Time, KGB Compared Christian Fundamentalists to Jihadists and Shariah Upholders. Kirill did so early on as Patriarch. He was obviously, like Putin, a KGB man, up to November 1991

Fact Checking The BIble. Do Christians Fact Check The New Testament? Is The Bible A Lie?

4:03 No, I wasn't.

The only thing I got at three is, God created everything.

Ma was not allowed to raise me after her conscience until later. At an age when I could ask critical questions. It took me about a year to give up attempts to harmonise evolution as I had believed it since age six, with the Bible.

But while I could ask critical questions, try to look for other possibilities and so, I was still a very young Fundamentalist, a pre-teen.

You believe you have everyone's story at your fingertips, just because you have your own. Not true. I've spent much of the years from 2001 to the present on the internet fact checking Christian claims versus claims from your side. By now, I actually very well have fact checked what you are asking for.

4:10 "no different from how the young Muslim Juihadist was brainwashed"

Jihadists in general, and including young ones need more than just the Muslim version of Fundamentalism to go on Jihad. Like people of YOUR type (or taking THEIR action bec. of what your type says) walking over their personal or family lives simply for them being Fundamentalists, or in the case of many Gazawis and West-Bankian Palestinians, for living on land that a settler wants.

Coulibaly was being a ticket out of France for his wife who was since her youth harrassed by French CPS. The Nice truck driver (no, not nice, but Nice, a k a Nizza) had personally been harrassed by psychiatry, which was also the case with a man who stabbed a policewoman and got shot in the process. Merah was actually a clear Islamist, but not from childhood. He also came from an extremely dysfunctional family and situation.

4:48 I'm sorry, but you are wildly guessing about the family background of people who simply are Fundamentalists or were raised such by their parents.

You are also to a high degree twisting criteria.

If school and parents disagree, normally, it's parents who could complain of school brainwashing, not the other way round.

5:07 "all the genres of science are wrong"

Wild parody.

ICR, AiG and CMI would be validating more mainstream science than I do, insofar as they are Heliocentrics. I'm Geocentric. We all believe biology as a study of contemporary facts. We all believe electronics or electromagnetism, mechanics, optics, acoustics, Mendel's laws of heredity, biogenesis, tensions in liquid's surfaces and so on. We all believe an object freely falling from normal habitable height will be accelerating at a rate of roughly 1 m per sq sec. Like after one second, it's one meter down, after two seconds, four meter, after three seconds, nine meter ... or that Hydrogen has one valence, Oxygen two, Nitrogen three, Carbon four. And double bonds imply both atoms on the sides of it have at least two valences.

Only very few genres of science, and in these only some of the schools and these not the most ancient ones,actually involved any conflict with the Bible and so with truth.

You don't go to Geology to find out if the Bible is true, you may go to the Bible to find out whether a certain type of Geology (not that of Steno) is true. Obviously provided you are a Christian.

You obviously aren't. You are fine with Christian imagination as psychological support, and with Christian values because Dialectic Materialism doesn't provide any values. But your actual own religious truth claim is for a kind of metaphysics and its application in sciences that's basically Dia-Mat. You probably even believe in Abiogenesis.

5:20 "you'll find there is no scientific method in their research"

Well, not if by "scientific method" you mean adherence to Dia-Mat and excluding God and angels and miracles as possible causes of anything that's actually verifiable.

You are outing yourself rather than the guys you attack.

5:37 You are switching the roles.

ICR, AiG, CMI are repeatedly adressing mainstream scientists who push Old Earth or Galaxies Billions of years old (remember, I believe both are wrong, CMI is wrong for believing Heliocentrism and pureley gravitational factors).

Mainstream scientists are on the other hand usually depending on being mainstream and prefer to marginalise ICR, AiG, CMI. Over actually interacting.

7:05 There was very certainly no global enslavement of Hebrews under Ramses ... except possibly in Canaan. Ramses I and II both fall in the judges period. Part of that time, Hebrews were under Canaanite tyranny.

The cities of tabernacles, Pithom and Ramesses can very well have the second of them named for a Ramses, but that's because Scribes in the Tabernacle were allowed to update place names. Not because the Exodus belongs in the Ramses period of Egyptian history.

Look for the evidence in the WRONG period, and you are certain to not find it, because you are not looking in the right period.

7:43 Thank you very much for showing how a Christian should support the LXX.

Btw, the oldest complete Masoretic text is way younger than the LXX.

7:58 I have come across this statement from your type of anti-Christian Apologetics.

"When Paul said there were 500 witnesses, he was bluffing, he knew his audience had no possibility to travel to check"

Well, that's presuming a very Capitalistic society with very big and efficient businesses and nearly nothing besides, no house slaves, and no men with leasure, and obviously, only proletarian people listening, who wouldn't be allowed to get away.

Arguably, a slave who wouldn't be allowed to get away to Jerusalem to check 500 witnesses would[n't] be allowed to get away to hearing St. Paul even a second time. The first time could be because the master had no idea who was there. The first Christians DID involve lots of upper class people as well. Like Philemon, a slave owner. Or Middle Class, liberal propfessions, like St. Luke, physician to St. Paul.

8:53 You have the place of the empty tomb preserved by tradition from when it happened to when Constantine was Emperor, and his mother St. Helen did her archaeo-archaeology in the Holy Land.

9:00 "you must understand that you have been programmed" because it wasn't Charles Hurst, now Apostate, who did the programming.

Scientists did NOT just find new evidence of Noah’s Ark
Dan McClellan | 11 March 2025

Did you say one of those collaborating was an Adventist University?

As my dad once upon a time was a 7DA (no longer the case) and as I somewhat carelessly said so in a letter to some 7DA (which might make them think I was raised 7DA, but my dad didn't raise me), and as I'm well known to be Catholic while they have their take on who the Antichrist is (rather "what" than "who" since they find 1260 days to be "prophetic days and literal years" and the Pope hasn't been the same man all this time), this could partially explain the black-out about my work. While CMI are competent, except in ecclesiology (or they wouldn't be Protestants) and some related, they are also getting some sponsoring from the 7DA, I seem to recall.

1:27 He is more like arguing that formation was actually submerged during the Flood.

My best evidence for Noah's Ark resting in the mountainS of "Ararat" (Urartu, Armenia) and Babel coming after that, is, Genesis 11:2.

And when they removed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and dwelt in it
[Genesis 11:2]

Posit Sennaar = Mesopotamia.

Mount Judi is just east of the Tigris, so, to get into Mesopotamia from Mount Judi, you need to literally remove "from the East" (if you go the closest way).

300 + km from there, further west, so, still "removing from the East" you find Göbekli Tepe. It's on the northern edge of a pretty squareish plain that is inside Mesopotamia. Göbekli Tepe is also inside Mesopotamia, both official courses of Euphrates and of Tigris start further North.

I say "official course", because I'm not counting from water sheds where water runs the other way on the other side, but I'm counting where smaller rivers meet and officially the confluency product is called Fırat (Euphrates) and Dicle (Tigris) as it flows South-ish, but none of the confluent rivers bears that name further North.

And before you go off a tangent to say that Babel is the same name as the city of Nebuchadnezzar, well Boston (MA) is the same name as Boston (UK) too, and there is tablet evidence that Sargon of Akkad did something to Babilu. There are more than one way to interpret it, but the one that best suits my case is, he destroyed a Babel somewhere in what's now Eastern Turkey and refounded Babilu as the city formerly known as Akkad / Agade. Which would explain why no archaeologist ever found Agade. They were looking outside Classic Babylon instead of under it. At least as far as the naming is concerned.

The tablet known as ABC 20 “The Chronicle of Early Kings”32 relates Sargon’s last campaign of conquest to Subartu as follows:

“Afterwards, Subartu attacked Sargon in full
force and called him to arms.
Sargon set an ambush and completely defeated them.
He overpowered their extensive army
and sent their possessions into Akkad.
He dug up the dirt of the pit of Babylon and
made a counterpart of Babylon next to Agade.”

Ken Griffith and Darrell K. White, "An Upper Mesopotamian location for Babel" JOURNAL OF CREATION 35(2) 2021 [Also quoted on my blog post Ah, Griffith and White Provided the Source Too]

2:02 The evidence for human presence 5500 to 3000 BC would probably be carbon dates.

That being so, they would be another evidence against this being the real site.

Because, the real dates for these carbon dates would be:

2258 BC
66.981 pmC, dated as 5571 BC
2235 BC
68.129 pmC, dated as 5407 BC

(between birth of Serug and death of Peleg)

1779 BC
85.963 pmC, dated as 3029 BC

(after Ishmael died).

[tried to add]

pmC figures refer to original C 14 levels in the atmosphere back then, not remainder in the samples now

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