Saturday, March 1, 2025

Some People would Like me to Give Up

When Should You Give Up?
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen | 1 March 2025

Hi Loki old trickster, this one is not working with me.

But actually, I think I have a lot of enemies who would perhaps find some value in your words.

With millions of views, with thousands of texts, writing is not what I think I'd give up, it was a childhood dream and I made it come true. Some think only novels count. I disagreed long ago. I'm an essayist.

But some people think they'd do a real good thing persuading me to give up. Like I've been too categoric. For instance, just today, too categoric about opposing Creationism and Evolution. I can guess most Scandinavians and most Englishmen would like me to be less categoric on Roman Catholicism being the one Church Jesus founded.

Or like I forgot about my plans for being a novelist. No, I didn't forget, but the men who want me to give up my essays are making it impossible to have the leisure necessary for a novel.

I wonder how close they are to you. But I think they are the ones who should give up. Not sure if they want to.

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