Monday, January 22, 2018

... on Bread and Comparative Linguistics

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Why is the word for bread phonetically connected throughout many languages in the world?

Answer requested
by Tom Trifaro

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I speak two langs, Latin and Germanic. In a few dialects.
Answered just now
If you mean phonetically connected to “bread”, well, because English, German, diverse languages in Scandinavia, including my native Swedish, Dutch are all Germanic languages.

English: bread
German: Brot
Dutch: brood
Swedish: bröd
Danish: brød

Similarily, Latin and a few more are all Romance languages.

Latin: panis / panem
French: pain
Spanish: pan
Italian: pane
Romanian: pâine (?)

Similarily there are Slavonic languages also sharing a word.

Bielorussian: хлеб
Bulgaric: хляб
Czech: chléb
Croatian: kruh (odd one out)
Macedonian: леб (?)
Polish: chleb
Russian: хлеб
Serbian: хлеб
Slovak: chlieb
Slovene: kruh (same oddity as Croatian)

Now these are called Fenno-Ugrian ones:

Estonian: leib
Finnish: leipä
Hungarian: kenyér (odd one out)

(Can't find Sapmi on google translate)

Now, if you don’t know Comparative Linguistics, can you pick the odd one out between Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Fenno-Ugrian, which one is NOT Indo-European, just by looking at the word for bread?

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