Saturday, February 16, 2019

Responses on David Wolf's links between : Enlightenment, French Revolution, Armenian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide And The French Revolution
David Wolf | 5.II.2019

Would you agree (with the considerations prompting Leo XIII to promote le ralliement, though these were as inadequate for III Republic as telling Cristeros to capitulate was for Mexico) that Liberty, Equality and Fraternity do have legitimate good meanings to a Catholic and that Middle Ages provided lots more of it than French Revolution?

The tyrannous rebel
they call the Devil
is Father of that Revolution
so please do not join it
or ye will bemoan it
on the Day of the Great Retribution.

How about some real action for real liberty, equality and fraternity, like defunding PP?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... on Abortion Debate

The right to rule comes from God, via law, usually, and not from qualities.

Sometimes it comes from providential circumstances.

Robert of Paris (or whoever it was who first was ancestral to Capets and king of France) did not become king because the law made him so, but because of circumstances like Carolingians not being around any more. And like France needing a king due to Viking invasion (yeah, I know, Danish relatives back then were not God's most pious children, but I think St Theresa of Lisieux has made up for it since, as well as St John Eudes).

One Pepin had been elevated to major domo before the king - last Merovingian - seemed to have a clear preference for monastery over actual ruling.

Clovis was a good fighter (when one against Visigothic Arians was needed), so once he had stopped attacking and started to show himself "in the right team" he was clearly a man of providence. As had been St Remigius, as had been Syagrius, as had been probably contemoorary to Syagrius, one Artorius over in Britain where legions had left. As had been Julius Caesar against a corrupt Senatorial élite.

None of them was smarter or better than everyone else, they were the right man for the right job, which is something different.

Cara al Sol Himno de la Falange (con letra)
20spanish | 2.XI.2011

This guy (portrait on video) was considered a Dopey or Dunce by his masonic father. He did finish pennalistic or initiatic bullying ("bizutage" in French translation) when promoted to head of General Military Academy of Zaragoza, and he also did finish attempts at Red Terror, some of which prefigured Nazi Camps and East Front massacres (Cárcel Modelo, one soon replaced Anarchist director of it was unusually nice, and after war was definitely treated well among the war criminals, just a few months, but the most time others ran it, a bit like the worst SS in Auschwitz, then Paracuellos for massacres).

Hombre de la providencia? Claro que sí. Más talentado que todos los otros? Ningún lo pretende hasta él mismo.

That said, post-War, I am more for Carlists than Francoists ... which he considered OK.

Two worst things he did post-war, more than one occasion each:

  • 1) forget that the war was over, and hunt Commies as if they could re-do Paracuellos anytime;
  • 2) be too loyal to Alfons XIII and his English born Queen's projects of modernising Spain, like the Embalse de Jaca was originally planned by them, but carried out under Franco, with confiscation of peasant property - same thing in some other cases, like a high way passing through a village.

B U T he had a Spain were abortion was a criminal offense and where masonic lodges were dissolved.

God rest his soul if he still needs prayers (both Palmarians and the group of Alexander IX, if I recall it, have canonised him).

Btw, even when it comes from law, it comes from providential circumstance, since having most votes or being first male child of a king or of a king's first male child dying before him, is also a providential circumstance.

7:08 "Voltaire and his ilk"

Hear, hear!

In Sweden Conservatives and Romantics have a tradition of preferring Rousseau to Voltaire.

There is a hero in the Finnish War. It was a common soldier, and a real dopey or dunce (at least according to the poem in his memory). Whenever obeying orders, he always got them wrong and did the reverse.

At the fight on one bridge, the order was retreat. As usual he got it wrong, and when he was dead, the Swedish / Finnish regiment or whatever type of subdivision of the army, had won. He was turned around for knowing how he had fallen, and the bullet had taken the heart.

The officer praised the taste of that mortal bullet, since Sven Dufva was in fact more heart than head.

Another poem, later on, by another poet, considered Voltaire was the reverse of Sven Dufva : intellectual talent and bad will.

Here we have last eight lines of first poem, for those knowing Swedish (alas, Dufva has been respelled Duva ...)

"Den kulan visste hur den tog, det måste erkänt bli",
Så talte generalen blott, "den visste mer än vi;
Det lät hans panna bli i fred, ty den var klen och arm,
Och höll sig till vad bättre var, hans ädla, tappra barm."

Och dessa ord de spriddes sen i hären vitt och brett,
Och alla tyckte överallt, att Sandels talat rätt.
"Ty visst var tanken", mente man, "hos Duva knapp till mått;
Ett dåligt huvud hade han, men hjärtat, det var gott.

From: Fänrik Ståls sägner / Sven Duva

And the second one, I can't find it, could be Snoilsky (actually more Gladstone type liberal), but the lines at the end go:

... förbytt Sven Dufvas lott:
Ett uselt hjerta hade han, men hufvet det var godt.

Meaning, enbalming Voltaire's heart didn't make much sense, since he was not such a good man.

We never had that type of bitterness about Rousseau (unfortunately, he is undeservedly popular for things like The Creed of a Savoyard Priest, to which basically the more Christian Lutherans, except a diehard dogmatic clear minority have apostasised).

(The less Christian Lutherans are of course those going whole hog atheist and staying in Swedish Church bc they like rituals for Christmas, Easter, wedding and funeral and don't object too much against baptism).

8:31 You brought up Armenian Genocide.

Well, it actualy had one precedent other than French Revolution.

"The Circassian genocide was the Russian Empire's ethnic cleansing, killing, forced migration,[3] and expulsion of the majority of the Circassians from their historical homeland Circassia, which roughly encompassed the major part of the North Caucasus and the northeast shore of the Black Sea. This occurred in the aftermath of the Caucasian War in the last quarter of the 19th century.[4] The displaced people moved primarily to the Ottoman Empire."

"Circassians, the indigenous peoples of this region, were ethnically cleansed[5] from their homeland at the end of the Russo-Circassian War by Russia. The expulsion was launched before the end of the war in 1864 and it was mostly completed by 1867. The peoples planned for removal were mainly the Circassians (or Adyghe), Ubykhs, and Abaza, but Ingush, Arshtins, Chechens, Ossetians and Abkhaz were also heavily affected. Antero Leitzinger asserts that these events constituted the largest genocide in the 19th century."

I don't know how much of it was actual killing and how much was removal under death threat or by muscle force. I do know, Imperial Russian Army was involved.

This means, Russia had been part of the bad set-up behind Armenian Genocide.

"The Caucasian War ended with the signing of loyalty oaths by Circassian leaders on 2 June [O.S. 21 May] 1864. Afterwards, the Ottoman Empire offered to harbour the Circassians who did not wish to accept the rule of a Christian monarch, and many emigrated to Anatolia, the heart of the Ottoman territory[5][6] and ended up in modern Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq and Kosovo. Different smaller numbers ended up in neighbouring Persia."

10:55 By Diderot having proto-Evolutionist ideas, do you mean his endorsement of Holbach's The System of Nature, which cites Jesuit Fr Needham's experiments with "generatio aequivoca" as proof no God is needed?

Bc I am not sure how that is relevant for Revolution, since it is totally different part of Evolutionist scheme than "survival of the fittest". It is more relevant he was materialist and therefore thought freewill was an illusion.

NB, how a machine that's not a real soul but more of a computer can have more illusions than it can have freewill is not clear. I mean, illusions involve misunderstanding, understanding things as other than they are, and this in turn involves a habit of understanding. Either way, being Holbachian is probably very helpful for war criminals and revolution criminals to develop an absence of remorse in face of cruelties.

However, Voltaire on the other hand was not Holbachian, but Deist.

13:15 Speaking of conspiracies with a long time span ...

"The Russo-Circassian War (1763–1864) involved a series of battles and wars in Circassia, the northwestern part of the Caucasus, in the course of the Russian Empire's conquest of the Caucasus. Fighting lasted approximately 101 years, starting in the reign of Empress Catherine the Great and finishing in 1864."

Guess who Catherine the Great admired? Voltaire ...

So, most direct conspiracy line from Enlightenment to Armenian Genocide, apart from Young Turks, is Russian Czars continuing Catherine the Great's modernisation programme ...

14:23 Rousseau saw Islam as superior to Christianity?

Ouch ... where in his writings?

Martin Luther saw Islam and Catholicism (in his wording Papism) as equal evils of Antichrist.

Where did you get it from he saw Islam as superior to Christianity?

15:21 "before we start following ideologues like a bunch of zombies"

That comparison is easy to make of a popularity of sth you hate. And "ideologue", sure the word has a definite lexical meaning you are not involved in?

To some, "ideologue" is just opposite of pragmatism and of "reason of state" (which was Voltaire's deal).

There was a correspondence I had with Philippe Ploncard d'Assac in which he qualified me as ideologue or sth closely related (at least it had the connotation of not pragmatic). It can be noted that while his father's biography over Salazar is brilliant and made me admire Salazar, that father, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac, was not just a biographer, but also a security agent involved in directing PIDE, Salazar's secret police, which for some reason, is not too much mentioned in the biography.

It so happens, the bibliography of this father also involves a biography over Lenin as revolutionary.

How can I feel sure, Philippe Ploncard d'Assac hasn't been taking up PIDE manners in St Nicolas du Chardonnet, isolating me over being "ideologue", "Rousseauist", misinterpretating "Distributist" (as in Chesterbelloc) as "redistributist" (as in fiscal socialism, a bug bear to me as well as even more to other conservatives), outing Lewis Carroll as a pedophile and allowing people to imagine Chronicles of Narnia was written by that Lewis ... I can't. I have too little news of what was actually going on and is actually going on behind my back in that parish (I used to be parishioner there) to verify sufficient things to file a complaint. But if he files one for my saying this publically, I think I have sufficient to show I have some reason for concern.

I am a writer. I am also, in all probability, victim of gatekeeping.

Creation vs. Evolution : Perceived Needs

I also have a memory somewhat better than mediocre, so I trust it with recalling certain hints.

Unfortunately, I think the correspondence I had, very short, with Philippe, was via the email provider which I could have because it was for free, and now no more exists, so, the emails would be lost.

The impression I gained was sth like this, he dislikes Pius XI ... I cited that later on here:

Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : Quelques Mirages et Contrevérités de Cédric Grimoult, avec mes critiques

Again, Jacques Ploncard:

Lénine ou la Technique du coup d'État, Paris, Éditions de Permanences (extrait, nos 44-46), 1968.
more precisely section:

On top of that, Philippe is:


English : Philippe Ploncard d'Assac : French neurosurgeon and essayist

Could he have Holbachian views of certain people?

on Philippe Ploncard d'Assac, he had not called me "ideologue" but "homme de systèmes".

Not necessarily complete synonyms, though the concepts overlap or "men of systems" would include "ideologues".

Here is the material in which I incorporated our interchange back then:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : J'ai Bien Aimé Lire son Père, Jacques Ploncard d'Assac; Mais ...

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : L'Importance et la dangérosité des informations reçues par des réseaux

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Philippe Ploncard d'Assac a voulu vouloir voire ...

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Philippe Ploncard d'Assac a répondu:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Essayons de comprendre

I somehow knew I had seen that letter (second to last link) after the downing of, and on brown background, as is the case with this quote on my blog.

Here I just mentioned him in passing:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Rapprochons encore une fois Evelyn Waugh et Gilbert Keith Chesterton

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