Saturday, December 16, 2023

Genetic Evidence on Odin and on Palestinians

Norman DNA - Semitic J2a?
Survive the Jive | 15 Dec. 2023

12:28 "not a human"

XQZ me, have you heard of Snorre and Saxo?

While they are Christians, they are unanimous that at the court of Frothi Halfdansson, whereever they put him in history, there was a guest who drowned in a vat of mead. His name was Fjolner, and he was not a god. However, his father Yngwe Frey was worshipped as a god. And Yngwe Frey was stepson of Odin, at least if Frigga = Skathi. I think they both claim that by the way.

That Swedes and later Norwegians while Pagans would claim to have a dynasty founded by a god is very comprehensible, but it is less so, if it were not true (apart from the godhood, which I disagree with) that Danes would agree with them. Yet Saxo did so agree. Saxo was born on Zeland, and his father and grandfather had served Valdemar I of Denmark.

12:52 I don't think so.

Obviously the details about how Odin seduced Swedes are Christian comments to the effect he was a fraud, which in general terms I agree with. They differ between them.

The pretended descent from Troy was in the other sense a way to gild the Odinid dynasties, putting them in line with Julius Caesar. When Snorre puts "Troy" in "Tyrkland" this makes me feel "Troy" is an emendation for something else, like Edessa, where the Babylonian religion was still practised in Odin's times, both Snorre's and Saxo's timelines.

But the idea itself that he came there, I think it highly probable that it is based on a Pagan tradition.

Especially, if in the Vendel age we see Danes, but not Swedes, involved in defying Odin. I feel less inclined to see the attitude of Bodvar Bjarke as a Christian comment than to see the setup in Gylfaginning to be so.

In the times of Snorre, Hissarlik was still on Byzantine ground. But Boghazkoy and Urfa were both already under Seldjuks.

In East Turkey, there is a massive J2 30 — 40 % in mid Turkey, and similar density just East of Turkey.

On the J2b, this is also pretty lacking, which points to J2a.

13:01 "the fact that someone would even consider that Odin was a person with a lineage you could trace shows that they don't really know about this area of history"

Or don't agree with the consensus of modern historians?

Like, I think your own sentiment is more like a Muslim one than an Odinist one. Ynglings, Skjoldungs, East Anglian kings and some more all claimed descent from Odin.

15:21 "when the J2 haplogroup became associated with the lineage"

Are you suggesting known cases when the title and name Montgomery passed from a father in law to a son in law instead from a father to a son?

Or are you just speculating from the lack of a complete survey of each being father to son?

Btw, if you descend from Odin, while Jesus from Nazareth was of King David's lineage, I would not suggest this was the case for Yeshu, the ex-disciple of Joshua ben Pekharia ...

I am noting a huge portion of Scandinavia + Denmark has J2 in the density of 1 to 5 %, but within that a portion of Sweden has it 5 to 10 %. Source, Eupedia.

It can be noted, this portion is not coinciding with the main centres of extra-European immigration, which would rather be coastal (Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö are outside this part).

However, all of the J2b is less than one % in Scandinavia:

This would perhaps leave J2a to be the one represented in Scandinavia and in parts of Sweden even over 5 %?

Especially as the Montgomery apart from the Seton adopted into it would seem to have the J2a before there was a Jewish influx into English nobility?

18:00 "that doesn't mean we can associate the Normans with this lineage, especially when only two out of 89 of the sampled families"
[2016 study]

Proportion of Viking élite to Norman commoners who had lived there before Rollo?

18:46 "8000 years ago"

Turkey -> Europe. Carbon dated 6000 BC. Would be 2287 Before Christ for real.

And if Lydians (who are later known to have lived in West Turkey) descend from the Semitic Lud in Genesis 10, I am not surprised.

Would that be J2a or J2b, by the way?

If you want the details, 2287 BC, the carbon 14 level had risen after the Flood to 63.387 pmC, so 3750 extra years or instant age, so 3750 + 2287 = 6037 BC as inflated carbon date.

19:32 Hypothesis:
  • Odin came to Swabians, not Swedes, but Ynglings later relocated. Cfr Tacitus on Suebi being great worshippers of Mercury.
  • at the time (Vendel time) when Ynglings finally arrived in Sweden, the DNA of the Odinids was already very diluted with Germanic admixture
  • corollary : a big chunk of Mesopotamian DNA is not to be expected in Scandinavia.

19:38 "no migration of Cassites to Scandinavia"

On a large scale, yes. None. How about a small scale? Like one man with close kin?

20:46 Greeks and Illyrians?

Sounds like a vindication of Troy, after all ...

It seems both 7 % Ashkenazi and some Palestinians share J1, not J2, while J2 is Canaanean ... [resumé of three links I looked up]

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