Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Miraculous Medal + My Situation

Heralds of the Gospel | 24 Nov. 2023

8:06 Sorry to contradict, but, no, if you meant a proper name, it's not.

"Rue du Bac owes its name to a ferry (bac) established around 1550 on what is now the quai Voltaire, to transport stone blocks for the construction of the Palais des Tuileries."

I don't get this from heaven or hell, just from wikipedia. But what I know in general about "bac" seems to support it.

"Un bac est un récipient ou une caisse, pouvant contenir des objets (chez un disquaire, des vinyles ou des CD), des solides pulvérulents ou des liquides (synonyme de cuve)."

And that type of boat is a box like recipient for passengers, right?

17:11 I recall a Tertiary who was adamant, that if [St. Francis of Assisi] was preaching in churches, he was a deacon, he didn't just have a venia praedicandi.

However, I do not recall any mention of his receiving the diaconate at any point, unlike the acceptance of the rule and so on.

18:49 One of my favourite sayings on that matter is that Judas Ischariot was the first Communist.

Precisely the ideology he showed on that occasion.

19:04 Probably the East Europeans I think of had some experience of Communists stealing when in power too.

22:30 If a priest who blessed a medal is praying for me to receive one grace, and I myself do not want that one, but another one, if I ask for it, and it is not totally what I shouldn't have, will my asking then override the priest's?

Heralds of the Gospel
Hello. God will decide in the end which graces we each receive. He knows exactly what we need, and His priests act in His Name.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
His priests may act in His name, @HeraldsoftheGospel_official, but this does not give them permission to forcefully impose a very unwanted pastoral by prayers when they refuse to even talk five minutes to the guy they are praying for.

Someone acting in His name, @HeraldsoftheGospel_official, would usually believe in informed consent, right?

If you meet me IRL, here’s what you need to know…
Ali-Marie Here | 2 Dec. 2023

The words of Ali Marie 11:00, she being a layman in good standing with the Novus Ordo establishment.

Priests who 1) pushed me out of seeking spiritual guidance the years between my leaving Lutheranism and getting received in the Church, 2) treated my resolution to try a celibate life taken in that loneliness as both an absolute and something absolutely not to be immediately pursued, 3) started to treat me as fully engaged to it the exact time when I was convinced it was not for me, and 4) neglected to take the "not obliged" from Le Barroux as "not obliged" but instead pushed me out of marital opportunity one after another, very obviously did NOT believe in informed consent when it came to me.

They may have consulted with people pretending to be my shrinks, they could have consulted tea leaves as well, they did not consult with me.

Heralds of the Gospel
Wrong. No one can impose on God. The priest (or you) can only pray in conformity to God's will. If a certain priest gave you a cold shoulder, he probably doesn't pray for (or against) your will either. Hope you can speak to another priest, because the world is full of good Catholic priests. (Unless you live in North Korea perhaps...)

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@HeraldsoftheGospel_official "gave you a cold shoulder,"

Not exactly the case.

I speak of fathers confessor (first, at my conversion, second, after my military service, third, at St. Nicolas du Chardonnet) all refusing to talk to me about my situations separately from confessions, while hearing my confessions and giving me absolutions, which absolutely does involve praying for me.

To confession, I obviously did not come to debate about what I need for my earthly life, but to repent of my sins, a different thing.

Or two Dominicans, who, seeing me begging and praying, one of them asked me "you are aware that Sts Francis and Dominic were doing the same thing as you?" and I said "yes" but he never asked the other question, which was whether I was doing the same thing as they, to which I would have answered "no" ... my economics on God's providence were indeed in a way parallel to those of friars mendicant, and I can honestly say those saints did all that I did. BUT, the huge difference is, they had decided that as their lifelong penance, or way of glorifying God, or sacrifice for winning souls, and I definitely hadn't, so, while they were doing all that I was (remarked for) doing, I was definitely not doing all they did, not even within approximations of purely state of life questions without any consideration of holiness. After my "yes" the conversation was abruptly closed, I never got any chance to give follow up considerations or clarifications, it was treated basically as a kind of perpetual vow on my part, when it wwas a facetious answer, but not a dishonest one. They had chosen to approach me on a moment when I was also physically exhausted, I think from sleep lag too.

That's a very far cry from giving the cold sholder and hence probably not praying for or against me.

The third father confessor did give cold sholders when I tried to get even five minutes with me outside confession, but he did hear my confessions too.

This situation is why I left St. Nicolas du Chardonnet, and have not been to confession for ten years, nor usually to Holy Mass.

I tried to verify I would be better heard and have better chances to live the life I actually chose (writer, hoping for an editor, an income and a wife) but was met at a Sedevacantist parish with the request whether I wanted to confess, first thing asked, and at a Novus Ordo parish, lavish alms, but no chance to speak.

To clarify, I had 10 thousand 919 posts on my blogs on last of June this year. Just this blogger account. I avoid being unedifying, and mostly to be simply inane. It's not my replacement of small talk. I am already the writer I want to be, but not getting the pay I want, not getting the livelihood I want and not getting the family I want.

27:19 OK, some people seem to have been praying for me to lag behind in both asking and confidence.

What I am asking for long term drowns in a barrage of everyday harrassment.

Some people pray for me to change things that would in and of themselves not help me, abetting those who pretend such needs exist or such changes are imperative, when in and of themselves they aren't, and they especially seem to pray for me to have everything interrupt me when I manage to pray with confidence, when I manage to ask and get close to what I ask.

And, especially, some people seem to be asking for me to have this, that or sundry explanation through some back-door.

"So, you are a Young Earth Creationist, do you really rely on Kent Hovind?"

Nobody says that, but I will get a video with him pronouncing the ridiculous idea that "the Vatican started Islam" and I just commented on it. But since they didn't go to me, I just saw it in my feed, I can't tell the right person what I responded to the video's producer, about having Young Earth Creationism from St. Augustine of Hippo up to over a year before I heard of Kent Hovind.

"You are so American, you don't fit in here in France!"

Again, nobody says that, but I got a Frenchman commenting on Emily in Paris in the feed, besides that is totally out of proportion, when my proposal is not to work in someone's office, but to write (which I already do) and have my writings published commercially (which can be done by people not sharing my office). Plus, I'm a Swede, not an US American.

"It's inconsistent of you to take St. Vincent of Lérins for Young Earth Creationism, if you won't pull it out to Protestantism"

I just answered a video by Gavin Ortlund on that one.

Regularly, some people seem to be using the feed to conduct some kind of mental evaluation across my answers. And it seems to be a case of someone regularly recircling things I already answered a few months earlier, and when I get going answering, changing the subject.

If it's just a coincidence from the algorithm "predicting" what I'm likely to click on, someone has prayed for me to be exposed to that, since coincidences are under God's providence.

If it's something I could easily fix by getting better sleep and paying less attention to the feed, I am getting people more or less deliberately depriving me of sleep, since my place is known.

If I am being targetted by excommunication, like for not accepting "Pope Francis" as Pope, I am never told I have been personally so targetted in a way I can document and comment on. I am basically asked to submit in blanco, after already having good reason to not trust the last three otherwise apparent "Popes" as such.

Again, I am given a silent treatment, I see the company I like getting pushed aside, I see people I like less filling in, I am kept guessing at who's playing with me and "praying for" (or perhaps rather against) me, and what the real issue is.

Matt Fradd pretended there was a kind of Pascal's Wager in favour of accepting Bergoglio as the Pope:
  • if he is the Pope and you do not accept him, you are schismatic, if you express that, you draw others into the sin of schism ...
  • [other side left unexpressed]

Heresy and apostasy are worse than schism, and I see those looming on the other side. In Paris or the close region, suburbs, there is an "Assumptionist" who expressed:

"Adam et Ève n'ont jamais existé comme toi et moi. Les premiers hommes sont bien ceux dont t'a parlé ton maître."
La Chronique du Père Sébastien, Le Pèlerin, Croire, n° 7222, 29 avril 2021

The teacher having spoken of among others I seem to recall Lucy.

I wrote an article against his apostasy, and when I brought that before a Catholic news outlet, he qualified me as a Flat Earther. And once again, a few days ago, I had a video in the feed featuring Flat Earthers vs Science Believers, and obviously took issue with both sides, but when that article collecting those comments is not topmost on my blog, this taunt is likely to be recycled.

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