Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Christian Lady is Converting to Catholicism

To be clear, I do not call her Christian because she isn't yet Catholic, I call her Christian because she rejected Calvinism and is converting. I'll be happy to call her Catholic soon.

I'm probably gonna get a lot of crap for this one. #Protestant converts to #Catholic #religion
Called to be different. REFLECTING CHRIST. | 20 May 2024

I haven't watched it to the end yet.

As per my habit, I regularly stop, when I find sth to comment on, and I found Matt Fradd / Pints with Aquinas commenting, so I viewed the thread.

I'll extract his initial comment, that of a very obnoxious guy, and my responses to it, to the comment of the obnoxious guy. As it was long, I chipped away at it ...

Pints With Aquinas
Wonderful to hear your reflections. Also, never, ever, for any reason … lose that accent!

Ben Solo
Yes I will give you some heat for this... just some... because... Honey if you start claiming that our Pope is not the real Pope or that the Novus Ordo Mass is not the proper mass I will scream. Because unfortunately that is how YT Catholicsm can be a lot of the time but its not right and I am worried you're too young in the faith to know the difference. And Matt Fradd himself likes to bring people on his podcast who like to sympathize with those views. For all the good his podcast does they also subtly plant seeds of doubt and misinformation in the minds of many people and that is subversive and damaging to Christ's Body. Then regular people like myself have to set the record straight and I don't get paid or sponsored to do what I do even though I have a Master's Degree in Theology. So with all due respect to your enthusiasm its not exactly appropriate for someone who is not actually IN the faith to be preaching publicly. More prudential judgment should be used here. Especially among the people who are leading you. Sharing your story is fine but there is a fine line between speaking personally and speaking about theology that you are not versed in. No one should be egging this on. You are young and you should just live your life for real, not in front of a camera. Let your journey be a private journey of the heart, it does not have to be something that people spectate. Coming to belief is one thing but the heart must be tested too and then you must act after your belief. I'm sorry but as a life long Catholic who has served with many years of education and ministry under their belt, I just don't like this Catholic Superstar Culture we all suddenly have now. Its not the true meaning of the Church. Peoole should be learning and relating from people in their immediate area not just "Catholic Celebirites" via YouTube. Learn about the concept of subsidiarity and you will catch how that teaching applies to this.

St. Augustine
@bensolo7000 proper in form and matter yes. I'd argue other things related to the novus ordo though.

Ben Solo
@St.Augustine4006 See! You prove my point, I think. YouTube is just ravenous with Trads wanting to groom young Catholics into their borderline schismatic Churches. Rather than allow her to grow into a true spirituality you want to fill her head with all kinds of unnecessary church political tribalism. I'm so sick of seeing this happen. And I'm so sick of the same usual online suspects going unchecked, flying under the radar about what they are doing with all their propaganda. Jesus wants New Life and a New Kingdom. Why don't Trads spend their time talking about that rather than conspiracy theories?

Hans Georg Lundahl
@bensolo7000 "Honey if you start claiming that our Pope is not the real Pope or that the Novus Ordo Mass is not the proper mass I will scream."

Hope she will make you scream one day!

@bensolo7000 "Then regular people like myself have to set the record straight and I don't get paid or sponsored to do what I do even though I have a Master's Degree in Theology."

You are basically implying that:
  • you are engaged in "talking to" people who have listened on podcasts, and to talk them out of some Rad Trad stuff
  • despite your having a degree in Theology, you somehow dare not do a podcast of your own, for fear it could get refuted, and that's how you get not paid.

THE hypocrisy of your complaint. THE hypocrisy!

@bensolo7000 "Why don't Trads spend their time talking about that rather than conspiracy theories?"

The Kingdom was new 2000 years ago and some decade less.

It had a set belief. Do you pretend that defending a part of the belief your "pope" is attacking is "peddling a conspiracy theory"?

How is it NOT a conspiracy to stamp defense of original Christian beliefs as "conspiracy theories" when this meme is so rampant? Ah, because it's a meme, it doesn't need to be a conspiracy, right?

OK, with lots of Evolution peddlers and Modern Astronomy peddlers I am not theorising a conspiracy, I am theorising they fell for a meme. YES, those things go around universities too, not just the internet. As you did theology, did you fall for the meme Marcan priority?

@bensolo7000 "Let your journey be a private journey of the heart, it does not have to be something that people spectate."

That would by now be tantamount to asking her to forego social media.

If she's monetising the youtube channel and making that part of her income, it's a big sacrifice.

Perhaps it wouldn't be. She currently has 634 subscribers. Doesn't sound like monetised youtube.

H o w e v e r some guys seem to want to give m e that advice, when my arguments are in fact NOT a journey, when I am stably convert from Protestantism since my teens, 17 years before I went on internet, and when I have invested so much work, money and time into my internet writings.

I am equally stably back from Orthodoxy since 2009. And stably into Conclavism since 2014.

People like you have kept me a pauper for the decade and half that I'll soon have been in Paris, unless it changes in the last months of the fifteenth year.

People like you have also made my life as a young convert lots less fulfilling and more lonely than it should have been. Not without some help from my stupidity, but still.

I missed that she had responded too, here is her own response, she seems to have considered him somewhat patronising, and she put it very gently:

Called to be different. REFLECTING CHRIST.

I appreciate your concerns. But if i could be so bold to say... you have absolutely no idea what I have studied and what amount of time I have truly invested into my faith journey. You see sir when you do not grow up in the church, but you come to know Christ as I have... your fire for Jesus is even more unstoppable. I am not sure what age has to do with it. Have you read Timothy? And for the record I do not get paid for this, my job is being a mom first and foremost. It is conversion stories like mine that people need to see, especially protestants. I cannot be held responsible for others and their journey but I am more than welcome to tell mine. God bless!

Meanwhile, it's not my conversion story I'm giving, it's argument and apologetics.

Ben Solo responded first to Called to be different, then to me. Here is the interaction with me:

Ben Solo
@hglundahl There is no Christian brotherhood being expressed in your statement or the many statements you say to me after. All I read were your accusations, spite, and mockery. I have no interest in responding to people who do not even understand that my intention first and foremost is for Christian unity and peace.

Hans Georg Lundahl
@bensolo7000 You may prefer the unity and peace in falsehood?

You may not be the kind of person I owe brotherhood?

You may be the kind of person whose either lack of or even worse false brotherhood has been one of the worst factors of destruction in my life, presuming on the nominal label uniting us to pretend to be in a position to earn my trust if taking responsibilities behind my back and over my head, which I would not trust anyway, not even from Pope Michael II, and abusing this presumption of trust to block me from all who could have helped me along.

If I say I have been infested with lice for some months, am a few teeth less and a bit closer to diabetes, you may presume that I spent my time as homeless badly, am a lazy slob.

If I add that I have 12 000 + posts that could be republished on paper, and make an upkeep for myself and for others, perhaps that explanation is not quite as relevant. If I'm blocked both by false accusations and by false excuses for me to people who would have done better asking me in person, perhaps I have some reason for not embracing you with the utmost brotherly love.

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