Sunday, May 26, 2024

Ruslan Made Two Videos, I Find Them Good

The ANCIENT S*XUAL Revolution That NOBODY Is Talking About @LiveActionFilms
Bless God Studios (when? 21.V.2024?)

I have exactly one quibble with this video.

Saying "Rome" when you mean "Pagan Rome" ...

Rome didn't end with Constantine, but with World War I. Constantine by the way came close after Rome's ally Armenia in Christianisation (a previous Christian Kingdom, Osrhoene, had been swallowed by Rome in the meantime).

So, Rome didn't cease to be Rome, except it ceased to be superhierarchic in sexual permissivity and all that centralised (but not super centralised) in administration at Christianity. Rome only ceased to be bestial.

The new "Fourth Beast" is not (yet!) a continuation of the Rome that was hedonistic and brutal, it is (probably) Communism, the power that took over Russia when Nicolas, a Roman Emperor, was killed.

CIA Didn’t Find The Spiritual Realm, They Found Something MUCH WORSE
Ruslan KD, "two months ago"

"according to 4:19 his theory the absolute created our 4:21 world we collectively are the absolute 4:25 therefore we created our world"

Sounds like Margit Sandemo. I think she dabbles in this thing, as she certainly dabbles in a kind of Luciferianism or Satanism.

Now, I can't say, as a person, that she didn't go beyond dabbling (she died in 2018, by the way), but I mean in those famous books, she actually invites readers to dip their toes into the ideas, plus provides soft porn (mostly consensual, and from the female perspective) and a few tidbits about esoterica, like the role of the mandragore or mandrake.

I mean Sagan om Isfolket (Legend of the Ice People).

In 1980, a publisher, "Bladkompaniet", suggested that Margit Sandemo write a series of historical novels. She initially wasn't excited about the idea, and decided to continue writing novel series for magazines, but, in her own words, changed her mind in 1981 when she saw a picture of a medieval church painting in a newspaper. It showed a woman making butter in a butter churn and the Devil behind her, trying to seduce her. Sandemo got the idea for the entire 47 book series The Legend of the Ice People from this picture, although in the beginning she thought that the series would comprise only eight books. The first volume, Spellbound, was published in 1982.

Guess what?

If Sweden has a religion even more common than Atheism, it's this one. Evolution belief is mandatory, but it comes in both flavours. By the way, I could statistically pretend Sweden was Christian, since 60 % identify as such, but most are Swedish Church, and most Swedish Church are pretty syncretistic with either Atheism or this or both. Officially the Swedish Church is Lutheran, but if you look at the Missouri Synod or things, they are not in communion with Swedish Church, they are in communion with a much smaller conservative splitoff, or they may be several, but the one I heard of while a Lutheran was "Fria Synoden" (I wasn't in it, but sympathised).

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