Tuesday, May 23, 2023

"Distant Starlight" - Only Distant for Heliocentrics

If The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old, How Is This Possible?
Answers in Genesis, 29 April 2022

I stop watching at a synopsis which tells me my solution is not even being considered, so here are my comments on first four minutes, minus some, of a 52 minute 25 second long video:

0:49 What exact ongoing processes would preclude this being only 1 light day up?*

2:04 They obviously saw stars.**
If the stars were just one light day up, as I believe is the case, they had already been there for fish and birds to see or sense the day before - some of them orient by the stars.

3:47 From the synopsis here given, it seems you are still not considering:
  • stars are just one light day up
  • beyond that is the Empyrean Heaven, which is where God has His throne room, his "dwelling" not meaning his "bedroom" but more like his "reception room"
  • and all this takes is "parallax" not being parallax and alpha Centauri not being four light years away.

Your plethora of solutions reminds me of how Evolution believers explain language or life.

* Ongoing processes preclude this being starlight created in transit.
** Adam and Eve on the evening of day 6.

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