Sunday, August 25, 2024

Levi Joshua Pingleton Nearly Right

HGL's F.B. writings: Quick Question on Geocentrism · Next Question on Geocentrism · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Levi Joshua Pingleton Nearly Right · Baronius is NOT Galileo · Moon Landing, Not TOTALLY Proven, and Even If Completely True, No Proof Against Geocentrism

More right than Trent Horn:

Catholic Answers' Trent Horn embarrassed for ignorantly speaking on something he knew nothing about.
TruthWorthy with Levi Joshua Pingleton | 24.VIII.2024

16:42 As I mentioned to Simon Skinner, "two different coordinate systems" is not a correct description if the universe is finite.

If the universe has a periphery N and a periphery S, there will be a point or a plane where the centre of the universe is in N/S terms.

Dito for the directions, I will not say E/W as those are turning directions, but the directions of, say, Sao Paolo, Birmingham, Lake Van, Okinawa, which if I'm correct are at a cross going out from the plane between the poles.

If the universe has a limit in the current Sao Paolo direction and the current Lake Van direction, there is a place exactly between these.

If the universe has a limit in the current Birmingham and the current Okinawa direction, there is also a place exactly between these.

And even for the daily motion, remember it's only up to the fix stars that the universe turns around earth, Empyrean Heaven is as immobile as Earth.

TruthWorthy with Levi Joshua Pingleton
I was using Einsteins quote for "either coordinate system", not my own personal views... simply using what Trent loves to prove Geocentrism using his very own science heroes...

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@levipingleton-cv1fg OK, but there may be a time to sidestep them too. The science heros.

TruthWorthy with Levi Joshua Pingleton
I keep the deep mathematics and physics to you and others... I'm more on the theology, Magisterium, and philosophy aspects to this fight. Popularizing you, sungenis, Smith, etc.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@levipingleton-cv1fg That the universe has a periphery is part of why God is moving the universe around Earth, is part of why St. Thomas concludes God exists.

And why "different coordinate system" aren't equal.

I don't think that's too deep into Mathematics.

Nor is it unphilosophical to note that with Heliocentrism in absolute terms, you have for annual parallax "one distance and two angles" = enough for trigonometry, while with Geocentrism in absolute terms, you have for it "one angle and no distance" = not enough for trigonometry.

This involves Distant Starlight Problem some pose for Young Earth Creationism (like if the speed of light is constant, it matters if the most distant stars are one light day or 13 point 8 billion light years away). This involves the possibility of having a Heaven just on top of the stars that rotate each day. I think that is theological.

18:30 Not only was St. Thomas a Geocentrist, but his proof for God in Prima Via (there is a reason why moderns prefer Tertia Via) is a proof from God turning part of the universe around Earth.

Now, Riccioli denied this proof worked, since he considered only angels were moving heavenly bodies through empty coordinates. But even then (and I think empty coordinates is wrong), the angels would need someone commanding all of them and them moving in perfect and complex harmony.

The problem with "two different coordinate systems" is also that it destroys this version of Prima Via, as far as I can see.

I think I misunderstood the video. I did not realise when the quote by Einstein started and stopped, but some nudge on FB, LJP cleared it up:

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