Friday, August 16, 2024

I'm Annoyed When Some Call Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" ... ESPECIALLY If they are Jews

Me and Messianic Jews · Catholic vs Jewish · I'm Annoyed When Some Call Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" ... ESPECIALLY If they are Jews · A Beautiful Meeting (and Two Comments of Mine)

I don't think Tovia Singer's attack on Candace Owens is a very dramatic thing. He was very understanding.

What some seem to understand less is, I have more in common with George Farmer than with people calling Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" ...

By the way, I think Tovia Singer is probably a bit mixed up about nuances between Mel Gibson and his father and which of the two is closer to George Farmer and so on ...

Why Did Candace Owens Turn Against the Jews? -Rabbi Tovia Singer
Tovia Singer | 15.VIII.2024

1:08 I'm the exception.

On a Polish lesson, we were given verbs and verbal phrases of emotions, and I got "Nie lubię" ... a very reserved "I don't particularly like" ...

My example, the one thing I did not have strong feelings either for or against, and still important enough to come to my mind, were you guys.

My answer or example was "Nie lubię Żydzi", but apparently, if google translate is correct, it should as having a negated verb probably rather have been "Nie lubię Żydów" ...

The Polish docent or lector was devastated, and next lesson gave us a Polish Jewish composer's very sad composition, while mentioning he had died in a gas chamber.

NOT the best way to warm up my enthusiasm.

I'm a Catholic. The relations have not always been excellent.

2:03 I'm pretty fine with Candace Owens' husband.

2:36 I'm pretty fine with Mel Gibson too.

Adara Balabusta
Yuck! I used to live on the same street as Mel. If you knew him as I do, you would not be okay with him unless you hold to no moral principles at all.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@AdaraBalabusta I know what the Gibsons are hated for in public discourse.

You claim you lived on the same street, why is that not a trick to diffame him?

Paolo Rossi
@hglundahl Mel Gibson used to live on the same street as Adara Balabusta. So, Mel knows that Adara is a dangerous fanatic.

2:42 I actually hold two popes have been elected after Pius XII.

Michael I in an emergency conclave, 1990.

Michael II in somewhat more orderly forms with clergy of Michael I already in place, in 2023, last year.

I do not hold to Nostra Aetate.

2:45 "Hitler's Pope" ... that's like calling Leo X "Luther's Pope" ... yes, Hitler and Luther were baptised, and Pius XII and Leo X were popes in their lifetimes.

When Hitler came to Rome, Pius XII first closed the Vatican, then withdrew to Castel Gandolfo so as not to be "home" when Hitler possibly came knocking on the door.

One of the less likeable things about Jews is the tendency to take Der Stellvertreter as a documentary, it was polemics, and it was only published when Pius XII was already dead, and lots of people in the Vatican II establishment were not so eager to defend him, because they thought him too conservative.

How about "Rescue of Jews by Catholics during the Holocaust" on wikipedia, where you can read:

From his Vatican office, Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty operated an escape operation for Jews and Allied escapees. Priests and nuns of orders like the Jesuits, Franciscans and Benedictines hid children in monasteries, convents and schools.

And a little further on:

In France, Belgium, and Italy, Catholic underground networks were particularly active and saved thousands of Jews, particularly in central Italy where groups like the Assisi Network were active, and in southern France.

That's not why I converted, but it's part of why I never regretted converting.

I have very little patience with nincompoops considering Pius XII as "Hitler's Pope" ... Tovia has the incomplete excuse of being a Jew, but it's very incomplete, since it's ignorance of Jewish history.

If you say Jo Wajsblat not dying in the gas chamber he was in was typical, in some countries you can be punished for "holocaust denialism" — which shouldn't be a crime, the question should be able to be discussed.

But when some Jews socially treat it as equivalent to this "crime" to not curse the man who did perhaps more than he should to save Jews, putting for instance Roncalli's soul at risks of heterodoxy, a man who to Jews lacking the faith was like Abiathar to David, that's disgusting.

Adara Balabusta
Worry about your own salvation. If you worship Jesus as a deity, you are an idolater. Repent and obey the Noahide laws. Your idol-boy was neither the messiah nor a deity. ️

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@AdaraBalabusta Apart from you being a very repetitive person, unless it's really a different one each time, you are not even obeying them yourself, since your gratitude is turned upside down in hatred of a benefactor who did not try to abuse that position to force you to convert.

@AdaraBalabusta "as a deity,"

I actually worship Jesus as Adonai, as the God that Moses saw and also didn't see, but definitely heard in the Burning Bush. The God Who Spoke Exodus 3:14.

Adara Balabusta
Then you are still worshiping another deity, not the one G’d of Israel.

I love G’d and I feel sorry for people (esp. Catholics) who have been led into idolatry.

If you have come here, listened, and read, you can no longer plead ignorance at your judgement.

Repent of idolatry and obey the Noahide laws.

@hglundahl No. Jesus did not do any of those things. There is only One G’d. The trinity is a damnable heresy that took the idolatrous church 300-ish years to invent.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@AdaraBalabusta Opposing the Trinity and the Messianity of Jesus are damnable heresies from the later part of the Mishna period, and make Judaism a heresy.

Newman proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that it was St. Athanasius who was defending the older Christian doctrine. (Before he converted and eventually was made a cardinal, btw).


How Can You Be JEWISH And CHRISTIAN? | Street Interview
SO BE IT! | 16.VIII.2024

0:51 Disagree.

0:51 This is not about the Spanish Inquisition in 1492.

The Sanhedrin was an Inquisition, and the Church has powers to excommunicate.

However, the Church was also national religion of Christian kingdoms.

Was this what Christ wanted? Yes. Matthew 28 says "make all nations into [my] disciples" ... not just "people from all nations" but collectively too.

A Christian nation has a right to defend itself from being undermined from within, by apparent citizens who aren't Christians. The defense can take different forms. But one of the forms it took was the Inquisition.

It was harsh, I don't think it was generally unjust.

And in Spain, the Inquisition was less harsh or at least less partial than secular courts.

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