Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Anthony Stine on Georg Bätzing

Key Francis Ally SHOCKED That People Want The Real Catholic Faith
Return To Tradition | 13.VIII.2024

Main comment:

"What is the difference between our religion and mythology?"

The thing is, what was she thinking mythology was?

When it comes to Uranos and Gaia or Good Principle, Bad Principle, Spiritual Creation, Material Creation, that's simply falsehood.

But when it comes to Hercules, Romulus, Aeneas and Ulysses, the Catholic answer over Church Fathers and Scholastics usually wasn't "those guys never lived", you get very much more nuanced answers like "Perseus and Andromeda never mounted to the stars" or "Hercules was a strong man, but not (a) god" or "Aeneas rescuing the statue of Athena proves that Olympic gods are bad debtors."

Obviously, the point was, Troy hadn't relied on Athena for spiritual gifts like salvation, but for temporal ones, including a decent defense of the city. 1179 BC should have disproved her cult, was the point St. Augustine was making, not because the Aeneid is a fantasy novel, but precisely because it is history.

So, if she meant that precise part of mythology, where it deals with human fates, the correct answer would be, as with "our religion and Calvinism" - we have the right theology.

If you like Hilaire Belloc, you can't accuse me of bad Catholicism here, in Return to the Baltic, he argued Odin was an actual human being.

Other comments:

A little comment.

In spelling his name is B ä (A + Umlaut) t z i n g. This means, probably there is an etymology in some word like Batz somewhere, but the name in its totality is basically pronounced Bettsing.

4:57 Oh, wait, are you saying he might have some kinship to someone who knows his time is short?

5:41 come, come, Jesuits who don't chime in with James Martin?

What is the world coming to?

Restoration. Or, if Antichrist interrupts the peaceful process, the second coming.

8:34 Forty days, not fifty.

The first Novena was a Novena precisely because there were nine days when Jesus was not seen and when the Holy Spirit hadn't come yet.

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