Thursday, August 15, 2024

Catholic vs Orthodox

Russian Orthodox SHOCKED By Bishop Scandal! w/ Fr. Jason Charron
Pints With Aquinas | Assumption Feast, 15.VIII.2024


During my "excursion" to Orthodoxy (2006 to 2009), I contacted Hilarion hoping to get a way for my compositions to get played and to make me an income.

I'm still waiting for a musician and it's 17 years since 2007, which was probably when I contacted him.

As you may know, he is also a music genius.

5:58 Copts and Oriental Orthodox are not what we refer to as Eastern Orthodox.

They are not the schism of 1054 to 1095 (or even later in Kyiv, which had double allegiance for a while), but schisms and even heresies of those condemned in Chalcedon and Ephesus (I).

6:24 As far as I call, Kirill is vocal against abortion on a personal level.

He's against abortion like Pope Michael I was against saying "OMG" ...

I recall Kirill saying "banning abortion is Christian Shariah" ... funny enough, Orthodox venerate not just St. Helen, but also her son Constantine as saints, and Constantine was the guy who banned abortion. "Greater Russia" was heir to that ban from whatever subject of St. Volodymyr was in Novgorod to when Vladimir I of Muscovy in 1918 or so allowed abortion.

His pal Vladimir II (of Muscovy, I don't mean Monomakh) is adressing himself to the women of Russia with a "pretty please, don't abort!" ...

6:48 My return to Catholicism was over hearing an Orthodox priest in 2009 consider the words of Ratzinger on Africa as "uncharitable" ...

So, in 2009 at least, at least some patriarchies, were not condemning it.

7:58 I recall Orthodox (I think Kirill too) going far further than Émile Mangenot did about Genesis 1 in their approach to Genesis 1 to 11.

That's doctrinal chaos for you!

A Catholic should be YEC, to the credit of John Maximovich and Serafim Rose, they rightly rejected Evolution and Deep Time, but they are a bit regarded like some of you might regard Pope Michael II or even Palmarians.

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