Monday, August 26, 2024

Second Half of Trent Horn's Video on "Political Christianity"

The Emptiness of "Political Christianity"
The Counsel of Trent | 31 July 2024

19:02 The genealogy is strictly literal if you are familiar with the convention of damnatio memoriae.

Three of the omitted generations are in connexion with Athaliah.

It's not strictly complete, for this reason, but lots more complete than some non-YECs would give genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 credit for.

Please note, while Father Fulcran Vigouroux half and half started the trend by saying Genesis 11 could include gaps (more than just second Cainan, omitted in Proto-Masoretic and Samaritan, as well as some manuscripts of the LXX), he was not stating anything remotely even like Adam living 40 000 years ago.

Old Earthers even, back then, were not considering humanity older than 10 000 years.

19:41 You trust the guy who can walk out of his own tomb.


Now read Mark 10:6. Yes, I know Mr. Hovind missed the important context of this verse, if you look at his private life, but he did get an implication for YEC spot on.

19:52 One can in fact focus on both.

What's Wrong with the World? is about back then politics and so is Utopia of Usurers
The Everlasting Man is about man is not just any beast, Jesus is not just any man. Meanwhile Upon this Rock and The Catholic Church and Conversion tell us Roman Catholicism is not just any Christian denomination.

The author of both sets of books was one Gilbert Keith Chesterton.

Count on some people in France targetting someone as "political Christian" if he so much as thinks Christianity should have implications for politics, like celebrating Dobbs.

20:45 I would not be willing to say the Bible was unhistoric.

If I had admitted the possibility of not strictly historic statements in the historic books, I would have solved the conundrum "no baked bricks and bitumen in Göbekli Tepe" much easier by stating that part was Ezra tweaking the text to target Babylon of Nebuchandnezzar rather than the original intent Nimrod's Babel.

I refuse to do that.

The Bible is not "scientific" as the text genre we call science, but it is scientifically accurate, including Geocentrism and the Distance of Starlight (implied as less than 13.8 billion light years).

21:19 Hitler was NOT a political Christian.

Mit brennender Sorge was not Pius XII. It was Pius XI.

Hitler was a liberal Christian. A "Catholic" willing to be godfather at Edda Göring's baptism (a Lutheran one) and willing to support theories of Evolution that admitted spirituality, like Alfred Russel Wallace instead of Charles Darwin.

Pretty much like I think Mr. Putin believes in "Christian values" (with very liberal margins for self to redefine those) but not in the Christian story or metaphysics. I think Tucker Carlson's interview with him is very instructive, he doesn't believe in providence, but in determinism, when it comes to international affairs.

His pal Kirill is one of the guys who has been pumping things like "Genesis is like the Iliad and Odyssey" (with implications these are as little historical as Lord of the Rings) for some decades into the Orthodox world, and into lots of Catholic circles that they have had contact with.

22:38 Some suspicions about what Magog is in the end times (Apocalypse 20).

First, four corners are arguably Alaska, Kamtchatka, Singapore, Cape Horn (or perhaps Singapore could be extended to Sydney or to Hobart).

What peoples are present in all four localities?

1) Ashkenazi Jews.
2) Russians and Ukraineans.
3) White peoples speaking Indo-European languages. Perhaps more specifically, colonials or colonials returning to Europe.

Obviously, in case one, there is also a conversion of them upcoming (Apocalypse 7). A Jew who converts is now counting patrilinearly, from Abraham, not matrilinearly from mitochondrial groups in NE Europe. He'd be once again Jew instead of Magogian.

As white and speaker of Swedish, I obviously dread alternative 3. So, being against Indo-European having a proto-language, coming from a unity, is contradicting this, just in case the ancestor were Magog.

When I first came to think of this, the exiles from Russia and Ukraine were less important than they have become since. 2 has become a possibility. Russia has banned JW and Catholic Uniates. Ukraine now has banned Russian Orthodox with ties to Moscow, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

But people like Richard B. Spencer, when they are in that mood, make me fear 3 could be true.

24:01 It is possible that Cardinal Pacelli (as he was at the time) penned Mit brennender Sorge, but Pope Pius XI signed it.

It's from 1937. Pius XI died 10 February 1939. Pacelli became Pope Pius XII 2 March 1939.

Other pet peeve, it was not Mit brennender Sorge that "banned Nazi eugenics" it was Casti connubii that banned eugenics in a world which in 1931 had not yet seen Hitler in power in Berlin. It was directed at Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, or against Branting and Per Albin Hansson.

Could you please try to get the facts straight when it comes to these two encyclicals by one of my favourite Popes, who also decorated Hilaire Belloc and Gilbert Keith Chesterton?

26:38 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when I became a man, I put away the things of a child.
[1 Corinthians 13:11]

The Haydock comment says:

When I was a child. I, like you, formerly judged of the goodness and excellency of these spiritual gifts by the advantages the procured; but after the Almighty had bestowed upon me his particular light, my opinion was far otherwise. Prophecy, and the gifts of languages are certainly very estimable gifts, yet charity is much more excellent. (Calmet)

St. Paul is not speaking of a childish way of understanding reality, but of a childish way of understanding what's good, a specific and to fallen man often problematic part of reality.

Other references for "childish" would be Tobit 1:4, he was younger than others who administered their own things, and didn't do childish clumsiness. And Proverbs 14:18 where in comparison with v. 17 it means impatience.

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