Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Once Again, the Truth of Tota Scriptura is not the Error of Sola Scriptura, Young Earth Creationism is NOT Protestantism

Once Again, the Truth of Tota Scriptura is not the Error of Sola Scriptura, Young Earth Creationism is NOT Protestantism · First Twenty Minutes of Dr. Craig and Dr. Ken Keathley

Since I am a Roman Catholic and a Young Earth Creationist, it's pretty idiotic to pretend my YEC position depends on Sola Scriptura and could in any way shape or form be modified by showing me "other" adherents of Sola Scriptura who don't find it implies YEC.

I have lots more in common with either Cardinal Wiseman and Fulcran Vigouroux, except their deviations from YEC, or with a YEC who, unfortunately, is as yet Protestant, like Ken Ham. Here are two of his videos and my comments.

This Video About Bible Genealogies Will BLOW Your Mind | Ken Ham
Ken Ham | 9 Aug. 2024

4:59 In the Catholic Church (and Anglicans and Lutherans have mainly kept this custom), the texts are set and the sermon needs to be in relation to them or the object of the feast.

All Lord's Days and Feasts of the Lord have their specified own readings, and saints days sometimes have readings tailored to that saint (I think for St. Francis Mark 6:8 or its parallel in another synoptic is a given, can't recall offhand), or to the type of saint, like all martyrs have as epistle reading the Wisdom 5:1 to 5.

So, no, we have no way of telling our clergy what to preach on either. They are given it by the Church.

5:52 Same chapter, Romans 10, verse 15.

My confirmation god-father's confirmation god-father told me this was when he realised the Reformers had not been sent.

Not by the Church, snce their role as Catholic clergy where some of them had a sending was different from their role as Reformers.

Not by God, since they worked no miracles to prove they were sent by God.

This Video DESTROYS the Gap Theory | Ken Ham
Ken Ham | 23 Febr. 2024

1:13 Among Catholic Old Earthers, there is a cultural difference.

Englishmen are more likely to hear of Gap theory, embraced by Cardinal Wiseman, French (and SSPX, whose founder was French), more likely to hear of Day-Age. The best known proponent of which was Fulcran Vigouroux. He wrote a manual in the 1880's on OT theology, really great when it comes to defining inerrancy and inspiration, but somehow there were days when he was writing some things that seemed like ages to him, unless it was a gap in his confidence in Biblical inerrancy, and directly recommended:

  • day age (up to the creation of Adam)
  • limited but very large regional Flood, killing, not kangoroos or armadillos, but all men
  • just possibly, not necessarily, gaps in the Genesis 11 genealogy (but not the Genesis 5 one).

As a judge on behalf of the Pope, he got occasion to allow precisely just the first of these solutions, none of the other two and the same year his pope canonised the close friend of a strict young earth author.

The Viennese preacher Clemens Maria Hofbauer, well known to oppose going to balls and dancing waltz with strangers, canonised in 1909, had as his doctor and close friend a certain Johann Emanuel Veith, who in 1865 published Die Anfänge der Menschenwelt ... basically Creation Science of the YEC school.

Obviously, taking the atmosphere as old and mankind as young is out since carbon dating, so of the three schools allowed prior to 1920, only YEC stands a chance. 1920 was a sad year, a Jesuit in Paris was allowed to publish an article in a reference work, on the Six-Day Work, where he proposed the framework theory.

3:40 How deep do you think the waters were prior to day 3?

My hunch is, very deep.

What God did on day 3 is similar to what a chemist can do with electrolysis, so, the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from then and the hydrogen in Sun and stars too.

Also some oxygen of the pre-Flood atmosphere and some hydrogen of the pre-Flood higher atmosphere met in Genesis 7:11 (the floodgates being the previous safety distance between these layers) and is now in the Oceans.

5:15 Third Commandment.

I = vv 2-6.
II = v 7
III = vv 8-11
IV = 12
V = 13
VI = 14
VII = 15
VIII = 16
IX + X = 17 (or more precisely Dt 5:21)

But yes, Fulcran Vigouroux and Cardinal Wiseman could have used a concordance a bit more often, they kind of missed Exodus 20 and Mark 10.

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