Sunday, August 4, 2024

J D Vance-Phobes?

New blog on the kid: Tolkien's Politics · I Thought That Decree Was by Franco · Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolkien Supported Franco's Side in the 36—39 War · Prince Caspian · Lord of the Rings: Motivations for Fandom · Tolkienophobes, Buzz Off! · Tolkienophobe Identified? · J D Vance-Phobes? · Crooks' (or Yearick's?) Body Gone · Sharing On The Shooting

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Catholic convert, reading many Catechisms
XI LD after Pentecost
A desire for power and influence is not always grasping after the One Ring.

It can sometimes be a question of being the right man in the right place.

While Tolkien disliked Democracies of the modern type because being that always means a moderate dose of actually reaching out to get elected, I don’t think being the right man in the right place (like Bard on a certain bridge in Esgaroth and in a certain evacuation camp after Esgaroth was destroyed) means one is grasping after the One Ring.

On the other hand, the One Ring is more than just political power or the more benevolent police tactics against villains (including shooting them if they point guns to you). It’s about domination. It’s about liking to instil fear in someone weaker.

People who for years have been trying to dominate me in order to reshape my ways of thinking have lots more to do with the One Ring or with Saruman than any presidential candidate (at least if he isn’t reasonably suspected for promoting killings like “air accidents” of Zia ul Haqq, Lech Kaczyński and Yevgeny Prigozhin, “bad health in prison” like Navalny, poisonings like Navalny a bit earlier, and like Litvinenko, Skripal, not to mention that the killer of Anna Politkovskaya was not found or if one of the suspects, was acquitted due to insufficient evidence, while they seemed too eager to find evidence of Yuri Dmitriev being a pedo-criminal[1] after he had refused to blame Sandarmokh[2] on the Finns, or of wanting to “mow the lawn” in the way already too familiar to those perpetrating October 7).

People who consider a desire for influence, as in publishing media, is “grasping for the One Ring,” well, that’s probably how some guys in Russia saw Anna Politovskaya. Or Yuri Dmitriev.

I do not know exactly what has changed in J D Vance’s beliefs of alliances, if anything at all. So far, the worst I have heard about him is, he likes Tolkien. Doesn’t souns like a change in belief and doesn’t sound like grasping for the One Ring to me.


[2] Sandarmokh - Wikipedia

1 comment:

HGL said...

One thing that RPG playing probably does help you out with getting better in is tabletop war games.

Obviously, they can be used for good or for evil, and here is one thing about how they may have been or allegedly were used, in this case, I would say, not for good:

The Transition Integrity Project Redux: Is This Where the Assassination of Trump was Green Lighted?
Promethean Action, 2 Aug 2024, Barbara Boyd