Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mainly Sharing, but also Underlining

Neanderthals, Carter, Myself · Mainly Sharing, but also Underlining

8:12 — 8:25

small inventions like weaving and sewing needles could have given Homo sapiens an edge scientists have found evidence of weaving from 35,000 years ago and sewing needles from 30,000 years ago

Anthropologists Made a Stunning Discovery About Neanderthals
BRIGHT SIDE | 15 Aug 2024


  • Naema lived pre-Flood, but in a now lost civilisation
  • and the people on the Ark knew of her
  • given sewing and weaving doesn't necessitate special climate conditions (unlike farming) or nature resources (unlike metallurgy)


  • we would expect evidence of needles and weaving to surface pretty soon after the Flood
  • and we would expect this to give a terminus ante quem for the carbon date of the Flood.


  • 30 000 and 35 000 years ago is after 39 000 years ago, my carbon date for the Flood.
  • and the corresponding real dates are less than a century apart.*


  • while this doesn't absolutely prove my theory, it is at least on the side of confirming it, not infirming it.

* See Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14

2957 av. J.-Chr.
1,628 pcm, donc daté à 37 000 av. J.-Chr.


2860 av. J.-Chr.
5,857 pcm, donc daté à 26 310 av. J.-Chr.

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