Thursday, August 15, 2024

Catholic vs Jewish

Me and Messianic Jews · Catholic vs Jewish · I'm Annoyed When Some Call Pius XII "Hitler's Pope" ... ESPECIALLY If they are Jews · A Beautiful Meeting (and Two Comments of Mine)

Why Fiddler On The Roof is misunderstood
yiddishkeit | 6 Aug 2024

15:35 Adam and Eve actually had a matchmaker.


So, Tevye's line was an oblique appeal for the Jewish tradition of matchmakers oblige.

But Jacob and Rachel had no matchmaker. Laban tried to (and successfully so) make Jacob marry Leah, against his inclination.

For Isaac and Rebecca, they had a matchmaker, for Abraham and Sarah, we don't know (at least from the text of the Bible).

I can say for Roman Catholic tradition, while matchmaking is tolerated, keeping someone celibate because of poverty or stopping marriages that both parties want to conclude (male and female, none of them already married, including divorced, both of them baptised, none of them monk or nun), are against Catholic Tradition.

A daughter of the Caesar's in Vienna was married as late as 26, because she was against the first match proposed (royalties didn't totally escape matchmaking, the Church could not stop that custom), and held out by preferring ("in that case") monastery. They gave in, they offered her a man she could accept. Mislaid the reference.

So, the Catholic tradition is very different here.

It's not being Traditional to insist on all Catholic marriages being made by matchmakers, on the contrary.

Thank you for giving me yet another reason to prefer Catholicism over Judaism!

The correct reference, though not totally matching my memory, would perhaps be:Österreich_(1534—1594)

The story lacks from the English wiki.

He says this. He says that Hodel and Perchick had the same matchmaker as Adam and Eve.

Hans Georg Lundahl
@crixxxxxxxxx True.

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